Those clouds of love which rained over me.
Those buckets of happiness which poured over me.
Those tireless hands which cared for me a lot,
that lovely smile which comes with a somersault.
I will not forget that beautiful time,
You gave me everything that was mine,
My Mother! O Mother, You are so great.
As God could not be everywhere
So He created You…. Komal Mengi
Raghunath Bazar




My mother’s hand


My mother’s hand
How beautiful is my mother’s hand?
Its firm grip imparts me enough strength for any problem to withstand
It has nurtured and pampared me the most
Empowering and boosting my spirit from getting lost
No matter it is wrinkled now
No matter it has turned old
But it has not lost the warmth
Being possessed by a human with heart of gold
It is the career and my life line
As it has nourished me and helped me to recline
This hand has guided me to choose the right path
Besides preventing me from my father’s wrath
Her hand was there to catch hold of me before my every fall
Her hand was there to reach to me at every call
It was also there to wipe my face
When no one stood by me at all
Mother’ s companionship is needed in every one’s life
Her clasp need to be held strong for facing every strife
One should catch hold of mother’s hand so tight
As whenever she leave this world,she will no more remain in one’s sight
Anu Gupta



Embrace the chaos


Life of the soul is endless….. Sing victory song,
Embrace the chaos..
The hidden gate to eternity, are your dreams,
Believe in your instincts.
Contentment dwells in your mind ,
Embrace the chaos….
Don’t get intimidated, trust everyone but,
Cut the cards..
You are gold, shine bright!!!
Take back your power, never submit.
Fire in your heart shows the way,
Embrace the chaos….
You are the undisputed ruler of your own,
Its time to roar.
Show you are a champion,
Make fortitude your virtue.
A mansion of felicity- a perfect bliss-
Embrace the chaos……….
You are a lotus in full bloom.
Muddy pond like virtueless people,
Envious of others, attempt to mar your fortunes,
Yet you are pure, beautiful , serene and strong.
You are the truth, pure and wise.
Hold the stage, toil hard, earn distinction through your labour, Embrace the chaos….
Repress your suspicion, don’t let them cloud your judgement.
Past is cloaked in darkeness,
Brighten your future, battering days shall pass
Embrace the chaos…
Irrevocable past shall not result in melancholy,
Be a creator of your own happiness.
You are a combatant,
Prowess in your art of battle ,
Embrace the chaos …..
Roma Gupta