Inner Voice


Working hard day and night
Its time for a fight
To fight for your dreams
Whether how much difficult it seems
Its time to do or die
Achieve it by walking or stay lie
This time will never come
Now or then it should be done
Its a golden oppurtunity for me
I have to be topper among he or she
To achieve it is not easy
I have to be crazy
Crazy for my studies, for my books
One should don’t bother these
days for looks
Achieving target by hook or crook
There is no shortcut to success
It needs only focus
Hardwork and sincerity are your friends
Coaching is just only a trend
It needs your target clear
And how much you are sincere
Dedicate yourself more and more
I promise this way I succeed sure…..



My mother,my loving mother
I can’t compare her with any other.
She is so simple, she is so nice
Everybody praises her beautiful voice.
Her advice is always beneficial.
She is so sweet,she is so fine
She is happy if her children shine.
She tries to mend our ways
Her hope lie in our face.
She wants her children to
attain such height.
For me, she is next to God
And for her, I have great regard.
Everybody should respect
his mother

Pooja Rani


I sat back once ,and thought for
a little while..
How would it be to travel several
thousand mile
To a place where nobody
must have thought to go,
But me & my heart for that planet,
have an ardent moe….
Spending days there with my love,
would be a dream come true….
Wish it would be a lively planet,
after the planet blue….
Love will bloom there amply,
that I’m sure of!!
Affection, passion and zeal where
are tied in a silken moff….
Oh! God, one day let me
witness this trip to MARS
And may I never ever believe it to be just a kind of farce…….

Sheena Bhat
Model Academy


Hey old brown clock,
you still sing your tick-tock.
Hung up there since years,
like a punctual employee at work,
who ticks every second with a jerk.
Yet, spectating all smiles and tears.
I’m told, you hung there all that time,
even when grandma was fifty-nine.
And then, a long leap in togetherness,
she spent her life and all those ends,
measured in terms of your seconds.
Inconsistent equations of foreverness.
And you still persist,but where is she?
You still show time,but she doesn’t see.
Hung up there since years,
ticking through all her moments, thence,
and now for me in same essence.
Still spectating all smiles, all tears.

Medhavi Sharma