As a girl
I will not let go of what I dream
Just because people assert
You are a girl
You can’t work in the daylight
It will burn your tender skin
You can’t work when it’s raining
You will catch cold
You can’t live alone
The world is not safe
And then they avow you are a girl
Yes, I am a girl and better than many others
“I will thwack the sun”
“I will swallow the cold away ”
“I will thrash the one who comes in my way”
Yes, I am resilient
More resilient than the sun
Yes, I am stubborn
More stubborn than rain
Yes, I am strong
Stronger than many
Yes, I am a girl
I am wise
I am strong
And I can do anything
And I don’t know what makes you think I will give up my ambitions just because people avow
“You are a girl”
Pratishtha Sambyal
APS Miran Sahib


Vaishno Devi Yatra


Travelling up to the tall mountains,
On the way enjoying the view of small fountains.
Starting from the mountain’s foot,
To the top, we have to walk on foot.
Moving from moderate to cold climate,
Moving together having hope with mates.
On reaching the beautiful snow top,
The view is great watching down the green crops.
Rest and travel,
Enjoying the cold water well.
Reaching the top is the real success,
Only due to Vaishno Devi, always bless.

Sahaj Sabharwal
Jammu city




Hunger, despair exploit the millions,
Tears flow from the millions,
When the fragments unite for millions,
Human conception in deep growth,
Speaks for millions growth,
Save humanism from grieve, soft flow for thee.
Dark clouds overshadow the millions,
Dew looks like pearls to the millions,
Leads ignorance to fight, for false stop.
Human rights ignored to millions,
Smiles on faces speak with open minds,
Cut clutches of falsehood, expose dirt to light.
Truthful voice unites the millions,
Wastage and stagnation, avoids for millions,
Bring mirth, and love to millions,
Stop bloodshed of the millions,
Awake three “Cs” (Character, Compassion and Consciousness)
Bliss of nature, move to thee,
Touch mine cottage,
And dye me for good
Ashok Vasudeva