Inner Voice


Its a blessed world,
Why? I didn’t know
I did not know what makes us a family or so
And then came the day you arrived in our land
Our seas, our rivers, our forests, our sand
Bowed to welcome the one true leader
Who has led the world to times better
True it is, this was a priceless thought, one we could not afford
But you raised us high, each one of us; you priced us more than gold
You came to us, you came for us,
You came to commemorate our essence
Its a beautiful thing, so cherished
Mr. President your presence
Your words, so inspiring, have been a gift, so priceless
Your presence, so cherished and so precious
Mr. Modi has been a wonderful host to you
Your relations, will etch in history,
A chapter new
The air filled with pride,
As you witnessed R Day parade
Your these gestures have established India as Your one true comrade
Your humble words in “Mann ki baat”
Have been so inspiring
Your message, your story
Will get each one of us trying
A positive aura surrounds you
There is warmth and confidence around you
Its a new dawn breaking for India,
With Modi and you for the nation
While Modi is a leader of masses
You are indeed a great inspiration
You have been to India as a
Natural partner and a friend
This is just the beginning of good times,
Its never going to end.

Anmol Rathore


Who says girl is tension
She is equal to ten sons
Don’t take tension
Girl will shine your world
Whenever you get ill
She will take care of you
Son will only think about your will
Just give her birth
She will shine your world with her own
Will always think about you,
Either you are well or alone
Girls are gift of God
Don’t unblanace world
By killing her in mother’s womb…

A P Singh Kavi


Hope is life,
Strife is hope,
Both revive,
Worries they drive,
Hope is the spirit of life,
A husband without a wife,
Hope infuses the spirit to live,
Gorgeous ways to heave and survive,
Sullen moments keep at bay,
In it we manifest hope and ray,
We find hope in variant hues,
Desperate and forlorn never rues,
When we converge on crossroads,
Simmering thoughts it erodes,
Hope is the pillar of strength,
Keeps negatives of life at length,
Hope is the father in orphanage,
Sermons us not to be in rage,
I am the mother to foster,
To ease you and to smother,
Hope emanates from God’s mouth,
Greens pervade with no drought,
Mornings come evening die,
Hope gallops, worries cry,
For worries have no taker,
Hope is the architect and future maker,
Oh God in despair,
Hope is our refuge that repair,
The ill conceived notion of failure,
Hope teaches to stand affirm,
To tread path without fear and harm.

Bhushan Malmohi


You are both special in every way,
Encouraging me more and
more each passing day.
You both are the reason why I’m so strong,
With you two at the helm
not a thing could go wrong.
You’ve both helped me through
many trials and tribulations,
You’ve made things better in every situation.
Thank you both for always being there,
And showing me that you truly care.
Words could never explain
how I feel about you,
But I hope you know that
I truly love you two!

Arvinder Singh Chib
Palli , Ramban
Pacific University, Rajasthan