inner voice


Life is to live,
Not to weep.
Life is to spread the wings,
To overcome hurdles and grasp positive things.
Life is to live,
Not to weep
Life is an exposure,
The best way to come closer.
Life is like a clove,
To express love.
Life is a thought,
A thought by God
It is a beautiful time,
time like a valentine
Life is a to live, not to weep
Arnav Sharma
Sacred Era Public School,


Today’s struggle is the tomorrow’s
success story
From failures u don’t have to worry
Don’t follow others and take a lead
Work hard, work smart and u will succeed
U may not get things in one go
Set your target, do things in steady flow
U may have to wait for the right time
Success is unfortunately a wicked difficult climb
Today’s struggle builds strength for tomorrow
Once u achieve success, u will forget all your sorrows
While crawling on the way to reach the top
Continue the struggle, but don’t stop
Hands may bleed and u may feel the pain
But u have to start your journey again
Remember, hard work never goes in vain
Sonika Verma
Central University Jammu


I was struck in straits,
of anguish wails,
finding way out,
was not of great ease.
In deep somewhere, got no way out,
I scratched my head and shrieked aloud,
No one heard, no one cared,
To help me out, no one dared,
I looked around, realised the truth,
Masked people around me duping,
filled in me despair,
I learned an Empirical Lesson,
that to live a life of complacency,
One should be like the ray of light,
that encounters its way out,
without any help of somebody,
through the reluctant canopy.
Biraj Gupta
9th K.C.I.S.


O Examination
You demand concentration
Maths is calculation
Geography is population
History is civilization
Economics is production
History is civilization
Economics is production
They all need communication
O Examination…
You are botheration
On a special occasion
We will send an application
To the Minister of Education
To abolish Examination
O Examination
Ayush Bhat
10th A
K.V. Nagrota


Where corruption is rampant
and morality is at stake
Our beloved country where
shall to thou we take
Where politics is trade and
governance is give and take
Our beloved country where shall
to thou we take
Where leaders are luxurious and
commeners for Gods sake
Our beloved country where
shall to thou we take.
Where religions fight faiths
to create Division
And humanity is none to take
Our beloved country where
shall the thou we take
Where God is believed to be one,
His worshiping  ways deem disappropriate
Our beloved country where shall to thou we take
Where all human race too come from God,
And the human beings are to discriminate,
Our beloved  country where shall to thou we take
Where justice is  concealed in establishment and injustice is  money to make
Our  beloved country where shall to thou we take
Where medical treatment is expensive for the poor and medicines are made fake
And war is wages for peace’s sake
Our beloved country where shall to thou we take
Dr Jawahar Lal Pandita
Ishwar Ashram
2-Mohinder Nagar,
Canal Road, Jammu