inner voice

                                        Dream that scared
It was cold night
Moon wasn’t too bright
Everybody was shivering
As temperature is too low
and fog was high
While lying on bed with heater on
Felt sleepy as cold was gone
While I slept I went into future
So lovely was the world
and its creation
Technology was on its top
Even people can fly
Everything was looking magnificent
So different was that day
and the rays of sun
I saw a drawback and I was froze
I can’t see any forest and trees
There was a doubt in my mind
Do people cut trees
and forget to grow
So scary was that night
River was not flowing but dry
Birds can’t fly
Suddenly I woke up and would cry
Thank God, it was just a dream
I was so happy, it did not happen
When I think about I feel ashamed
And I promise God I will grow tree and ask everyone to do the same …
AP Singh Kavi

     Two Worlds
Caught between two worlds
One carries up,the other brings down
It is all actions and deeds
Destiny in hands
God will bless
Desire to fly
Detach from the carnal ground
Full of mere shadows
Obstacles and hindrances
Tarnish the essence of existence
Illusory temptations
Hollow and insignificant
Better to fly
For a purposeful stay
Prof S A Ganai,
GDC, Ramban

   Body of coal….
A little bud blossomed in your park
Struggled through the way hard and dark
The world looked bright
through shimmery eyez
But blind in the alleys of
hardships and cries
You brought me up to
stand on my toes
And face the world, its miseries
and its woes
Out there in the middle,
am embarrassed
With the body and
the beauty am cursed
Beasts stare at me on
the “land of doom”
It was better sitting pretty in her womb
Then there came that hapless day
I was teared apart like a doll of clay
I suffered their act of brutality
Not me but they raped
the goddess of morality
They took away my life,
they took away my soul
And all I am left with is  a “body of coal “
Shubham Panjgotra
(NIT Jalandhar)

Have you ever heard, a herd ignoring
the nudge of the Shepherd?
Straying along, uncalled and uncared,
Scorned, jeered, with aphoristic aplombs.
Have you heard of a Ship
rudderlessly driven?
Without direction East or West in sight
It needs an albatross come forward and lead.
Has there been the mother
earth to sprout a new bud?
Unless a seed goes deep inside the earth,
And you stand near to look after
Have you ever heard voices in
isolation produce a sound?
You transcend these petty
thoughts I suppose,
But I never saw you bow  out of doors.
Have you heard of the person
Who raised a hue and cry?
But was countered,
rejected with loud dissent,
The voices of concord came from none else
I know for certain, it is none else
But my neighbour next.
B L Koul
Pandoka Colony, Jammu