Inner Voice

Love for my brother

Time has truly changed….
You are grown up, but for me
you will remain the same….
I feel safe, when you hold my hands
while crossing the road like if
I am a kid and you are old….
I feel comfortable, when you
teach me new lessons of life like if
I am a crawling child….
I feel dependent, when you help
me in learning new techniques like if
I have never tried….
I feel proud, when you achieve
new heights still mentioning my name in
Race of life….
I feel glad, when you do
something special for me as if
I am the only Princess….
I feel like a kid, when you keep
my share from your meal like if
It’s a dream….

Anshika Mahajan (Miranda House, DU)
Anish Kumar (VIT University, Vellore)

We are one family

One nation, one world.
But why do we fight?
Why must we fight?
Why is our world engulfed in hatred?
Why do we not have peace?
We are weak, Ignorant,
Blind.We do not love.
Not like we should.
Where is that peace?
That love? We are one.
It’s time we act like it.
Together, we are strong.
Feel the peace.
Feel the love.
It is there.
Find it.It is small, tiny,
nearly invisible.
But it is there,
if we look hard enough.
If we find it,We must nurture it.
Let us take that peace, that love.
And multiply it, by infinity.
So the world,our home,
Our family can be a better place.

Dhaneshwar Bastola
High. Sec.School Rehal


Rise O rise, from the deep slumber,
The dew is afloat on leaf and roof,
Moisten your eyes with the sweet balm,
It will comfort U thus with ease and calm.
Busy all night you toiled too hard,
Waving your fists amid deep air,
With full might you fought to defeat the devil.
Who usurped U of your life and calm.
The moments of struggle
and strife do count,
Not in dreams but
on ground surmount,
Sure, these quell the
tormentors knave tricks,
When standing shoulder
in shoulder U fix,
Your silent moans
will carry the day.
The tormentor will
be pushed to dismay.

B.L. Koul
Pandoka Colony,
Paloura, Jammu


Mood is the way you feel something
at a particular time
But it changes fast when
there is some reason or rhyme
Mood changes so quick
but you can not record its swing
As the clock strikes the time
but you do not hear it’s ring
Mood goes good when
you buy a diamond for your wife
It fast becomes very bad when
you say her something rife
Mood is polite when you welcome
her relatives and friendly
It is optimistic when you praise
her being of modern trends
Swing of mood mostly take place
so abruptly and so fast
Stress, anxiety, depression,
sleeplessness make the blast
Mood is like the mercury as
it never stays one and the same
It changes to the divergent shapes
having its so many names

Dr Narhari Raizada
Gandhi Nagar