Inquiry blames system failure, not doc for Medical negligence in Lal Ded

Irfan Tramboo

Srinagar, Apr 27: The high level inquiry committee constituted to bring out facts pertaining to the case of a “medical negligence” case that occurred at Govt Lal Ded Memorial Hospital in January this year has given a clean chit to the doctor, while as attributing the incident to the ‘system failure.’
An official privy to development told Excelsior that there was nothing for which the doctor could have been blamed; rather there was a total ‘system failure’ which led to the incident.
“The report has been submitted and it has clearly said that the doctor cannot be blamed for what happened, there was no system of referrals in place, plus many other aspects, and it was wholly the blame to be put on the system,” the official said.
“While nothing has been recommended with regard to the revocation of suspension order of the doctor, the circumstances have been studied thoroughly and the aspect of where the fault lies has been identified,” official said.
The official, however, said that the only fault of the doctor was that she did not admit the patient. “That was her only fault, clinically she has done what was needed, she has gone by the book, rest, there are so many things for which the system is to be blamed,” official said.
Pertinently, a woman from remote Moore village of Kalaroos area of Kupwara in January was allegedly denied an overnight stay at the hospital by a doctor, following which she delivered a baby who later died. The incident had created large scale hue and cry across the State.
The said doctor was immediately put under suspension after the incident, while the preliminary inquiry accused the doctor of not following the Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs).
Following the incident, principal GMC, Srinagar had constituted a 6-member committee to look into the matter and was tasked to bring out the facts and circumstances that led to the alleged incident of ‘medical negligence.’
Principal Govt Medical College (GMC), Srinagar Dr Samia Rashid, did not divulge details about the inquiry committee, but said that the suspension order of the said doctor has been revoked and the inquiry report has been submitted to the State Human Right Commission (SHRC) and the others concerned.
“The report has been submitted and we have forwarded it to SHRC and others, while as the suspension order of the doctor who was blamed for the negligence has been revoked,” she said.