Inquiry exonerates former MS GB Pant hospital

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Aug 17: The Inquiry ordered by the State Government against the former Medical Superintendent (MS) of Kashmir valley’s only paediatric hospital, G B Pant hospital, Dr Javed Ahmad Chowdhary, after last year’s furore over “high child mortality rate at the hospital during his tenure”, has exonerated him.
Commissioner/ Secretary Science and Technology and Information and Technology Department, Bipul Pathak, who was the Inquiry Officer, has, however, recommended full-fledged inquiry against the senior faculty member and acting HoD Paediatrics, Dr Kaisar Ahmad of the hospital and former Principals of the Government Medical College Srinagar.
While exonerating Dr Chowdhary, the inquiry report has found lack of proper coordination between the faculty members and different offices of the GMC Srinagar and its Associated Hospitals.
The Government had ordered inquiry (Vide Govt Order No. 16 GAD of 2013 dated 15-02-2013) early this year and appointed Bipul Pathak as the inquiry officer to inquire charges against Dr Chowdhary and other persons. Dr Chowdhary took over as MS of the hospital on January 17, 2012 and was attached by the Government on May 17, 2012 after furore over the high mortality rate at the hospital.
The main charges against Dr Chowdhary were lack of supervision, dereliction of duties, negligence and lack of devotion to duties expected as MS and HoD at GB Pant hospital, non-utilization of funds under JSSK Yojana for treatment of neonates and non-maintenance of case records of infants.
The report says that Dr Chowdhary took over as MS of the hospital in January 2012 and from April 2012, the mortality rate at the hospital showed downward trend. “It does partially reflect that the MS started exercising better supervisory role”, the report reveals.
The report says that soon after taking over as the MS of the hospital, Dr Chowdhary reported (Vide letter No. ADM/GBV/CH/1709-11 dated 27-01-2012) to the GMC Principal about the sanitary conditions in and outside the hospital. “This is enough evidence which indicates that Dr Chowdhary started his new job with sincerity immediately after taking over”, report adds.
It says that cleaning, construction of drains and renovation of bathrooms was executed in the last week of April 2012. “This also shows that Dr Chowdhary was committed to his work as the MS”, the report says.
The report says that the MS requested the Cantonment Board for construction of attendant shed, creation of meal area and Toilet blocks for attendance for improving sanitation and it was constructed and inaugurated in April 2012. “This is ample testimony to show the dedication of Dr Chowdhary as the MS”, the report adds.
The report reveals that Dr Chowdhary took action against the unsatisfactory work of some employees, relieved them and directed them to report to the GMC Principal. “This clearly indicates his sincerity towards improving the conditions of the hospital during the short period of 4 months”, the report adds.
“It is clear that Dr Chowdhary made efforts to improve functioning of the hospital and there is nothing which lends credence to the charge of lack of supervision, dereliction of duties, negligence and lack of devotion to duties by Dr Chowdhary”, the report adds.
The report further says that funds under JSSK Yojana for treatment of neonates were received in March 2012 and Dr Chowdhary spent only two months as MS in the hospital after the receipt of the funds. “The funds were not even spent in April due to non-cooperation of MD NRHM. I feel it is harsh to ascribe non-utilization of JSSK funds to Dr Chowdhary”, the report adds.
The report says that the former MS of the hospital tried to put in efforts to streamline the medical records section. The report further says that he could not maintain the records properly as the record section was in shambles when he took over. “I feel much more time is needed to streamline such important aspects in the hospital”, reports added.
The report adds  that it is hard for a doctor who is not trained in administrative affairs to establish administrative systems quickly. “Four months time was not enough for Dr Chowdhary to institutionalise the system”, the report adds.
The report reveals lack of proper coordination between the faculty members and different offices of the GMC Srinagar and its Associated Hospitals. It cites example of Dr Kaisar who is presently Professor and Acting HoD Paediatrics. “He was appointed as examiner when his niece was appearing in the MBBS examinations.  The matter was brought to the notice of GMC Principal and neither, he asked him to step down nor did he himself”, the report adds.
The report recommended full-fledged inquiry against the senior faculty member Dr Kaisar Ahmad of the hospital and former Principals of the Government Medical College Srinagar.
It may be mentioned here that last year there was furore over the mortality rate in the GB Pant hospital Srinagar and Government intervened and attached the MS of the hospital while Dr Muneer Masoodi, a retired doctor was appointed as MS.
The Government for last one year upgraded the infrastructure and also increased the staff strength and Chief Minister started monitoring the hospital personally but the mortality rate instead of declining has increased.