The thumb rule in Government service is that an employee irrespective of rank and cadre, has to obey, agree, follow, embrace and comply with the directives of the Government and its designated authorities failing which, one would technically cease to be an employee and not be entitled to draw emoluments and other benefits in respect of the job for which one was employed. This rule holds good in respect of every employee, whether in private or in public sector where one has to comply with and obey the instructions and directives of the employer or else made to leave the job. It sounds quite strange that this cardinal principle is conveniently violated in most of the State Departments in Jammu and Kashmir. Summarily perused, this phenomenon, deeply ingrained, besides violating service conduct rules or in common parlance, the terms of employment or the basis of continuing in employment, leads to poor or negative performance, inefficiency and corruption and also non fulfilment of targets.
It is reliably learnt that almost all Administrative Secretaries and Heads of the Departments are in regular habit of flouting clear cut directives of the Chief Secretary in respect of standing instructions regarding regular inspections of subordinate units. Such units are expected to remain on tenterhooks and alert to emerge clean as a result of periodic inspections which means more efficiency and accountability in functioning. The present era being highly competitive demanding more quality output with minimum inputs could only be brought about and made possible when performing efficiency was in vogue as a work culture in offices. The field level or ground level functioning must be that of the above the average levels which, besides other measures, is normally not possible in the absence of regular inspections.
It would have been prudent to have such inspections conducted more frequently and without prior intimations instead of “at least once in a year” and progress continuously monitored and reviewed at the apex level but it is quite unacceptable that “regular” administrative inspection, even on the basis of once in a year too, is not undertaken and thus Government’s instructions passed on through the Chief Secretary, are conspicuously flouted. In fact, the Department of Administrative Reforms, Inspections , Trainings and Grievances has not only duly communicated to all departments the requisite instructions but even the mechanism of such administrative inspections too stand advised. The purpose could obviously be nothing except strictly ensuring compliance in order to have the system run on smooth rails. The flexibility and the elasticity of the mechanism, just to have the desired objective fulfilled, can be gauged by permitting to have suitable formats of their respective departments devised commensurate to the nature, functions and the working of the concerned department. If despite the things having been made so easy and workable, compliance would not be forthcoming, then the next question automatically arises as to why, the clarification thereof must be sought invoking disciplinary provisions as the next available option.
It is not that a system of checks and balances of any nature initially working for some time after which the importance and the utility thereof is considered to be trivial and at that time no accountability being fixed which results in adopting a casual approach which again turns into optional and finally “not required” at all. In fact, there should be a monthly check list submitted by each and every department regarding information on the status and the position of various works, preparation of statements and necessary data, replying of audit reports and inspection notes and pendency if any, compliance of various directives, whether any frauds or irregularities noticed, attendance and leave records of employees etc to be compulsorily submitted to the General Administration Department where it should be monitored very effectively. This would definitely entail a bit of expending time and attention but will bind each department automatically towards complying with official instructions .