Insurance Ombudsman disposes of 77,188 complaints in FY23-24

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 2: The Insurance Ombudsman (IO) disposed of 77, 188 complaints it received from the insured during 2023-24.
Out of 77, 188 complaints it received, 34% of complaints were registered online and 74% of complaints was heard and disposed on line during the year.
The details in this regard were disclosed by IO in a handout issued here today.
As per the details provided in handout, the year 2023-24 witnessed a remarkable achievement of this institution with an all-time high number of complaints disposal.
The notable achievements during the year are given as under, Number of Entertainable Complaints disposed – 36845, Number of Complaints disposed by way of mediation (Recommended) -15528, Awards and recommendation passed in favour of the complainants-24815.
Complaints Disposed through Mediation (Recommendation)- as a % age to complaints disposed during the year- 42.14 % , Complaints disposed within 30 days of registration (%age)- 59.36 %, Offices of lnsurance Ombudsman with NIL outstanding as on 31-3-2024- Nine offices, viz, Ahmedabad, Bhubaneswar, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Noida and Patna.
One of the most important initiatives taken by the Council for Insurance Ombudsmen is introduction of digital signatures for all Ombudsmen in April 2023 whereby all the awards, mediation (Recommendation) passed by lnsurance Ombudsman were digitally signed and mailed instantly to the Complainants and the concerned lnsurers both.
This initiative alone has saved an approximately 2.00 lakh paper (A4 size) which is a tiny step of the CIO towards carbon free green environment.
The institution of Insurance Ombudsmen was established under RPG Ru1e, 1998. Subsequently, as per the power conferred by Section 24 of insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act 1999 {41 of L999}, the Authority framed the insurance Ombudsman Rules 2017 which came in to force on 25.04.2017 vide Gazette Notification No. GST 413 (E).
The objective of this rule is to resolve all complaints of all personal lines of insurance, group insurance policies, policies issued to sole proprietorship and micro enterprises on the part of insurance companies and their agents and intermediaries in a cost effective and impartial manner.
The lnsurance Ombudsmen offices (17 in number Pan lndia) working under the administrative Control of the Council for lnsurance Ombudsmen, Mumbai have successfully closed the FY 2023-24 on 31.03.2024.