Integrated approach in Science and Technology

Dr. Arshed Iqbal Dar
National Science Day is celebrated as one of the main science festivals in India every year with a suitable theme. The theme of the year-2022 is”Integrated approach in Science and Technology for a sustainable future”. The main context behind the theme of the year-2022 is chewing over two keywords viz. the “integrated approach” and the “sustainable future”.
Well, Covid-19 pandemic has taught us the beauty of linkages and bonds between the institutions, departments, ministries and the industries. The integrated approach followed by the Nations during the pandemic was the hallmark for the survival of humanity. In this backdrop, the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India is busting a gut this time by using the lens of integration in Science and Technology for a sustainable future.
The statement issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology clearly mentioned that the celebration of National Science Day or any other important scientific day should not be confined to a single day event and in this backdrop the main objectives were extracted from the key words of the theme of the year-2022 and that is the synergy of all science ministries and departments to work on a theme based approach, integration of technical, engineering and medical institutions, integration with the line ministries of Central Government and finally integration with the industries for a sustainable development. Moreover, the United Nations has declared that the year 2022 will be dedicated to basic sciences, with a focus on how scientific research can propel sustainable development and improve the quality of life across the world.It is universally accepted that scientific research is the finest outcome of human intellect and fundamental for the progress of society and understanding of nature, universe, matter and whatever constitutes these.
The learning environment under the banner of integrated approach is multi learning environment (MLE)- the combo of virtual learning environment (VLE) and physical learning environment (PLE) and will be the integration of skills with contents for the preparation of future citizens of the society. The stress on learning environment should be prerequisite because it can affect learning outcomes and student developments without any reservation. This multi learning environment (MLE) demands strong bonding between the institutions of learning and the industries and this approach is going to be the central dogma of integrated approach in science and technology for a sustainable future.
National Science Day’ is celebrated every year on 28th February and on this day, all Indians show their respect to the famous Indian Physicst- sir C.V. Raman (Chandra Shekhar Venkata Raman) to mark the discovery of “Raman Effect”. Raman scattering (or the Raman effect) was discovered in 1928 by C.V.Raman and in 1930, for the first time in its history, an Indian Scholar, educated entirely in India has received the highest honor in Science, the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1949, he established the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore, served as its director and remained active there until his death on 21 November, 1970, at the age of eighty two. Raman was honored with the highest award, the Bharat Ratna by the Government of India.
By celebrating National Science Day, we come to know that, teaching science needs motivation, innovation and commitment rather doing a routine job. As the interconnected world has entered in the era of biotechnology and nano-technology, so we need to introduce courses like biotechnology, bioinformatics, nano-technology, etc at preliminary levels. There are various flaws in teaching methodology of science subjects and urgent need is to take some concrete steps to improve the quality of education in science subjects. Younger generation should be aware about the genuine fact that our quality of life, strength of our economy and the very future of our society depends upon the innovations and discoveries made by the scientists and above all, development of novel techniques is sine qua non, so it’s the time to explore something new, something novel which may prove fruitful to the mankind. One of the best ways to improve our performance in scientific research is to develop research oriented curricula in science and its linkage with the industry for a fruitful translation. We have to focus on cultivating the habit of independent and critical thinking among undergraduate and postgraduate students. Such a focus on analytical thinking and problem solving is extremely important in a country like India which is riddled with socio-economic and development challenges. A nation with a week corps of PhD Scientists, ill-equipped laboratories and limited ICT will struggle to address its challenges. We must also consider the importance of science literacy in the wider society. If people don’t understand the basic science of germs, they will be less likely to wash their hands. If the community doesn’t understand the cause and impact of climate change, its people will be less likely to take remedial action. In this backdrop, the understanding of linkages and bonds in all the science ministries and industries will open fruitfulchapters in science and technology.
Because of the social nature of the science, the dissemination of scientific information is crucial to its progress. Some scientists present their findings and theories in papers that are delivered at meetings or published in scientific journals. These papers enable scientists to inform others about their work, to expose their ideas to criticism by other scientists, and, of course, to stay abreast of scientific developments around the world. The advancement of information science and the development of information technologies shorten the time between discovery and application. It is pertinent to mention here that the dissemination of scientific information and the visibility cum easy access of publications at the right time is not only for accruing the level of citations but it is also prerequisite for the creation of novel approaches in the world of science and technology. A lot of models have been adopted by different business tycoons from time to time to boost their economy viz. the advertising agencies are displaying the linchpin elements of their organization and the interested candidates follow their business and disinterested skip their ads. In a similar fashion the global publishing giants can follow the same mantra not only to boost their publication industry but their access and dissemination at the right time can open new vistas in science and technology for a sustainable future.
It is universally accepted that the nineteenth century was marked by the transportation revolution. This was followed by remarkable changes in space technologies and computer science, which together ushered in communication revolution. In the 20th Century, the world witnessed several desirable developments driven by Science and Technology research. Science and Technology have become the determinants of economic growth and developments. To achieve a position among the developed countries of the world, Government of India has taken right step to make a quantum increase in the infrastructure. But it is not sufficient as the quality of education is very important factor that should be taken care of on priority. Success in science and scientific work came not through the provision of unlimited or big resources, but in the wise and careful selection of problems and objectives. A scientific mind is an adventurous mind and is not afraid to speak truth even if it may not be consonant with established thoughts, beliefs and superstitions. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru the first Prime Minster after Independence was of the view that a strong scientific base and a scientific temper are the most powerful catalysts of both economic performance and social progress. If India wants to transform itself into a developed nation, for that it requires a major boost to science and technology, particularly, in frontier areas. This is because of the fact that science and technology profoundly influence human kind and society and also the progress for the future. About fifty years ago, both houses of parliament passed a far-sighted science resolution underscoring the importance of Science and Technology in the developing countries like ours. The resolution envisages. “The key to national prosperity, apart from the spirit of the people lies in the effective combination of three factors: technology, raw material and capital investment.
A lot of things have been achieved since the adoption of this resolution.
Here, it can be safety concluded that science and technology pertains to the creation of knowledge and then translate the created knowledge into application and this is possible through the integrated approach but this approach demands a combo of good strategy and a better execution for a sustainable future.
(The author is Assistant professor of Zoology Islamia college of Science & Commerce Srinagar J&K)