Interactive session on Models of Global Linkages at MIER College of Education

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 16: An interactive session was organized by the Co-curricular Committee of MIER College on the theme “Models of Global Linkages”.
Dr Rekha Koul, Associate Professor, School of Education, Curtin University, Australia, was the resource person on the occasion. Dr Adit Gupta, Principal MIER College of Education chaired the session. Dr Mool Raj Sharma, HoD PG Department, Dr Rohinka Sharma, HoD UG Department along with the faculty members and the students of both PG and UG Department of semester fourth attended the event.
Dr Adit Gupta introduced the resource person Dr Rekha Koul as a researcher par excellence who has expertise in the field of Learning Environments, STEM and Curriculum Development. Dr Koul is a member of topmost bodies and associations in the field of Science Education, Learning Environments, and STEM. She has more than 50 research papers to her credit and has guided many research scholars at M Phil and Ph D levels. Dr. Koul has undertaken many state and nation level projects in addition to organizing workshops and conferences.
Interacting with the audience, Dr Rekha Koul emphasized on the importance of global linkages in the field of education. She said that one of the key components of connectedness of higher education is student and staff mobility across regions or countries and highlighted the reasons for why students should decide to study abroad. Dr Koul accentuated that living abroad and blending with local culture increases both cognitive flexibility and integration of thought which are critical components of creativity.
Dr Koul added that she would like to see more students from developed economies going to developing economies, which will broaden their horizon. Explaining different types of linkages, she talked about research linkages, dual degrees, mobility plan awareness like New Colombo Plan, scholarships for higher education, international degrees, joint HDRs etc. It was an active interaction wherein students and faculty members settled their queries and doubts.
Jyoti Sharma, student of B Ed Special Education, conducted the programme. Komal Sharma, Convener Co-Curricular Committee, presented a formal vote of thanks.