Introduce job oriented courses

Today we live in post modern age in which knowledge has wielded its clout. In this age occupations have become knowledge oriented. Products  are designed and marketed through knowledge. There is growing demand of knowledge work force. This work force provides services through skill and knowledge.
In the present scenario, traditional academic disciplines have lost the grip in the market of occupations. It is pertinent to mention here that in many developed States of India a very low percentage of students are registering themselves for traditional courses in colleges thus forcing the Government to introduce unconventional courses which are compatible with growing needs of students.
Unfortunately,  in our State there has been very little effort in this direction. There has to be a paradigm shift and sincere efforts have to be taken by the Government to introduce unconventional courses which are job oriented. By doing so new employment avenues will be  generated as teaching staff is required in academic institutions. A new culture has to be evolved to make understand parent and student community the importance of job oriented courses. Concerned agencies particularly education department has to take initiative and freedom of choosing the subjects should be available to the students right from the secondary level.
Yours etc……
Ramesh K Raina (Wanpoh)