Introduce moral education in schools

We in India India have long been known for attaching due importance to moral and spiritual values in our society..Our Gurus and sages, since the ancient times, always preached high moral values such as love, compassion, humility, sympathy, helping the poor and the needy, respect for parents and elders etc.But in the present times, these values are losing ground in our society and the modern society is much different from what it used to be, say thirty to forty years ago.Respect for parents and elders is vanishing with each passing day.Girls and women who used to be treated as incarnation of Shakti and accorded high place in our society are illtreated and raped.The strong bond of human relations of yesteryears are weakening and there are instances of parents being illtreated by none other than their own children whom the formers brought up with so much love and care.Children are sending their parents to oldage homes at a time when they need their children badly.Many people have jettisoned off their moral scruples and are indulging themselves in foul means to earn money.People are losing tolerance over slight provocation and resorting to violence on the small pretext.Our youth are becoming more and more narcisstic and self centred.Juvenile crime rate is also surging.
Thus, there is an urgent need to inculcate high moral and ethical values in our youth and children.
Our children should be motivated and encouraged to read our scriptures and also exposed to our rich culture by organising cultural functions in schools and motivating them to participate in traditional fairs, festivals and other such events at home and outside.In this way we can inculcate moral and ethical values in children so that they can grow up into obedient sons and daughters, helpful companions and responsible, law abiding and patriotic citizens
Ashok Sharma,
Housing Colony,