Intrusion bid by 4-5 ultras thwarted by BSF in Samba

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Nov 2: The Border Security Force (BSF) last night thwarted a major infiltration attempt by a group of four to five militants at Galard Border Out Post (BOP) in Samba sector amidst firing by the Rangers, who tried to facilitate the intrusion bid by armed ultras.
The infiltrators, who had reportedly come close to the International Border (IB) with a view to sneak into this side, were pushed back after affective retaliatory firing by the BSF, official sources said.
They said the BSF jawans of 51 battalion observed movement of a group of four to five militants from their Night Vision Devices (NVDs) when they were trying to come close to the IB to enter into this side at 12.30 am today. Simultaneously, the jawans of 24 Rangers, deployed opposite Wheel Back Post of the BSF in Galard area of Samba sector, opened firing in violation of ceasefire agreement between India and Pakistan, to facilitate intrusion bid.
The BSF jawans retaliated to neutralize the militants. After about 15 minutes of firing, the militants retrieved to Pakistan finding the BSF jawans on high alert on this side.
In the morning, the BSF jawans conducted searches in Samba sector. However, there was no breach of fencing. No traces of any kind of infiltration were found, sources said, adding that the militants had escaped back to Pakistan.
There were no casualties or damage on Indian side in the firing by Pakistani Rangers that lasted about 15 minutes.
Senior BSF officers visited the spot this morning for assessment of the situation. They lauded the BSF jawans for thwarting intrusion attempt by the militants successfully.
The BSF was maintaining high alert all along the IB and Army on the Line of Control (LoC) following reports that a number of militants camping on Pakistan side were determined to sneak into this side and could make more attempts backed by Pakistan Army and Rangers.
Senior officers of Army, BSF, police and Intelligence agencies have already confirmed presence of more than 500 militants, who were fully geared for infiltration into this side from the LoC as well as the IB. However, due to alertness displayed by Army and BSF and installation of electronic gadgets, the militants haven’t succeeded in infiltration into this side from LoC in twin border districts of Rajouri and Poonch and IB in Jammu sector despite making a number of attempts to intruder into this side.
Three days back, the Rangers had opened firing at Pindi Post in Arnia sector targeting farmers, working in the fields, and the BSF jawans. No damage was done. A day before this, they had fired at two forward Indian posts on the LoC in Krishna Ghati sector.
Sources said few surviving militants on this side were making frantic calls to their mentors in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) to push trained militants into this side to boost their dwindling strength.