Investments to Grenada real estate as a way to receive citizenship

Grenada is a small insular country in the Caribbean with a developing economy. In 2013 the state started Grenada economic citizenship program which allows foreigners to obtain citizenship for investment.

The government has decided to raise the country’s economy in such a way. On the other hand, investors who have become the country’s citizens receive all the privileges of residents.

Benefits of Grenada passport:

  1. Opportunity to visit at least 144 countries without a visa or with visa processing on arrival. Visa-free regime includes such countries as China, Great Britain, the 26 Schengen countries.
  2. Grenada citizens are able to receive long-term visa to Canada and the United States. Also, E-2 visa to the USA is available.
  3. CIP program offers tax benefits for investors: foreign income, wealth, heritage, capital growth and gifts are not subject for taxation.
  4. Living in the country after receiving Grenada passport is not necessary: the government allows dual citizenship.
  5. Information about investor’s receiving Grenada citizenship is confidential.

Peculiarities of Grenada citizenship by investment in real estate

According to CBI act, investments in real estate mean that the applicant has to contribute the sum to the projects approved by the government — for example, hotels. The minimum contribution equals about 220 thousand dollars, however, the sum depends on the number of applicants, service package the investor has chosen and many other factors.

Grenada program is peculiar, in comparison to similar programs of other Caribbean countries, for providing citizenship rather quickly: according to Migronis (, it takes 3-5 months.

The following people can receive Grenada passport together with the applicant:

  • his/her wife/husband;
  • parents 55 years and older ;
  • children under 30 years of age.

Furthermore, citizenship is inherited.

Investment in Grenada immovable property is a beneficial decision for a foreign entrepreneur which gives the opportunity to develop his business. Investors invest in hotels in ecologically friendly areas, for instance — in villas on «Cinnamon Resort» sanatorium which is situated nearby the same-named mountain (here’s the official site). Such recreation attracts high-income tourists. Investments in real estate nearby Levera National Park are beneficial as well. Plenty of activities and entertainment also attract lion’s share of tourists. Levera Beach has gained 4,5 points on

Investment in Grenada hotels open up a wide perspective for business development and also give the opportunity to benefit from all advantages of this country’s citizenship.