IRP 10 Battalion celebrates ‘Raising Day’ with zeal

Excelsior Correspondent

Vijay Singh,Commandant,IRP 10th Battalian,IGP, Gulzar Singh Slathia during ‘Raising Daycelebration on Tuesday.
Vijay Singh,Commandant,IRP 10th Battalian,IGP, Gulzar Singh Slathia during ‘Raising Daycelebration on Tuesday.

JAMMU, June 12: Indian Reserve Police (IRP) 10th Battalion, celebrated “Raising Day with zeal and fanfare at battalion headquarters.
On the occasion, the officer and jawans of the battalion, launched two-day cleanliness drive at battalion headquarters and Coy headquarters, and gave a face lifting to the premises.
In a function held at battalion headquarter, Gulzar Singh Slathia, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Armed/ IRP, was the chief guest.
The officers of the battalion PSI, Dilawar Kumar, made a presentation on the menace of drug abuse and alcohol while PSI, KD Singh, made a presentation on discipline and motivation. The cash reward and commendation certificates were distributed among the 21 officers and officials for their extra ordinary contribution in conducting various events organised by armed police.
Commandant, IRP 10th battalion, Vijay Singh Sambyal, presented the welcome address. He said that the cash reward and commendation certificates distributed among the officers and officials, will boost their morale. He assured IGP, that officers and men of the battalion will always remain sincere and dedicated towards the duties assigned.
IGP, Gulzar Singh Slathia, in his address, appreciated the good work done by the officers and men of the battalion in maintaining the premises of the battalion.
He impressed upon them to re-dedicate themselves for the security and safety of the people of the State in the best possible manners vis-à-vis to perform their duties with great zest and zeal.
A musical programme was also organised, in which Director General of Police (DGP), K Rajendra Kumar, was the chief guest, while senior officers including Dr SP Vaid, ADGP Headquarters, IGP Jammu zone Dibagh Singh, Tsering Punchok and JP Singh, were also present.