Is Kashmir a transit route ?

Shiban Khaibri
The recent unfortunate developments in respect of the confessions made by the three misguided arrested youth from Hyderabad cannot be taken lightly or any attempt to  baking of political loaves by certain politicians in the sensitive matter allowed to be appreciated in anyway whatsoever. The fact is that any threat perception to the security of the country and its peace and tranquility can prove deleterious to our national interest and therefore, not only the ruling dispensation but the political Parties in the opposition have to demonstrate their sense of responsibility towards the nation and the people living in this great country in jointly thwarting attempts to dislodge the equilibrium of peace, security and sovereignty of the country.
The three youth from Hyderabad recently arrested by the Police at Baba Sahib Ambedkar airport in Nagpur while they were attempting to leave the country with intentions to join the terror groups and were aged somewhere between 20 and 25 have reportedly confessed about their such intentions must put the security and the intelligence wings of the country’s police force on more alert and in the instant case, the swift act of the Police in nabbing them must be appreciated. The jointly conducted operation by a group of Telangana Police and Maharashtra anti terrorist squad could prevent these misguided youth from going ahead with their plans to join the terror groups of the ISIS by nabbing them in right earnest. They revealed that they were taking a flight to Srinagar and had plans to travel to Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria via Kashmir to join the terror organization. The revelations also surfaced the fact as to how areas of social media like Whats App were made the mode and the means in playing a vital part to reach the targeted young people and succeeding in luring and brain washing their fertile brains to join the terror groups. They have named the persons and the origin from where they were contacted and prepared for the said nefarious purpose. It is reported that these youth were “counseled” last year when their wayward plans got known by the Police and were under constant watch since then. Recently they had run away from their homes about which their family members duly informed the Police who swung into action and they were nabbed at the right moment from the airport. Their family members really deserve appreciation for their act of both discharging a duty towards the country as well the one towards saving their boys from a prospective self destruction. However, these youth are reported to be related to the late President of the Students Islamic Movement of India  (SIMI) Salahudin  who is said to have died in a car accident last year. Needless to add , earlier when fears about the SIMI  being engaged in anti national and undesirable activities were expressed , there were a few “secular” leaders who, to protect their vote banks, mistakenly treating the organization as something synonymous with the members of the vote bank, gave a clean chit to them of being “patriotic and  innocent” which later proved otherwise and a ban was imposed on that outfit. There were similar incidents a few months back from Malwani in Mumbai, Pune and Thane in Mharashtra besides at Hyderabad in which a misguided young girl was nabbed and the four youth who had succeeded in leaving the country, only one had returned, the fate of the other three is reportedly still not known.
What is intriguing is that the revelations had mentioned their first destination as Srinagar and also pinpointed whom they intended to meet for “further guidance”. They allegedly named the “Chief” of  the women  separatist outfit operating in Kashmir where its chief is all pro Pakistani and has openly been indulging in Pro- Pakistan activities like hoisting Pakistani flags and even celebrating August 14 as Pakistan’s Independence Day , all with impunity enjoying unprecedented freedom, liberty and tolerance under all liberal Indian democracy , the likes of which she could not dream of anywhere in the world including her favourite  Pakistan that continuously mentors persons like her in this country. Seen with all this, we have to judge the wither withal of the Pakistan sponsored ISI  spy ring operating in parts of our country which has recently been busted by the alert Police and security agencies. Those arrested right from Jammu and Kashmir, UP, West Bengal to other parts of the country have revealed their links, their “assigned roles”, the havoc counterfeit currency was creating, the money factor, West Bengal Bangladesh corridors with porous characteristics all sustaining the notorious ISI activities in this country which is tantamount to posing a grave threat to our country’s security and stability. Those arrested also are reported to have confessed the using of social networking applications like WhatsApp and e – mail . The spying activities aim at penetrating into our security system, the moles both active and sleeping must be dealt with sternly and speedily and that should be the concern and the priority of the government.  On the one hand,  when  ISI sponsored  spy ring  whose operations are found spread across many states in the country, as per arrests made so far by the security agencies , on the other the dreaded terror organizations like IS trying to make its influence of even  negligible magnitude felt in certain pockets of the country , the situation needs monitoring with utmost professionalism where security agencies at the central level must work in close tandem with  the  Police   and security agencies in different states across the country. It hardly needs any particular emphasis.  We cannot therefore take lightly any clue or any evidence even at elementary level from anywhere in the country where support whether in disguised manner or otherwise is provided to misguided “aspirants” to join the ranks of the IS.
The three arrested youth of Hyderabad have reportedly confessed their plans to fly to Srinagar not for participating in any winter sports nor enjoy the snowfall but to meet Asia Andrabi of the Dukhtaran -e- Milat to seek her “guidance and support” which cannot be brushed aside given the Pakistani, anti India and hard core fundamentalist stand of the Dukhtaran Chief. Only some weeks back, she got letters from the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in response to her communications sent to him, wherein he “assures” support for the “movement for settling Kashmir issue “.  She is reported to have addressed the rally of Hafiz Sayeed on phone. She cannot be allowed   now to progress into a possible conduit or a recruitment agent for terror outfits. We cannot take on face value, not even in the least, the “reaction” from National Conference leader Mustafa Kamal terming it all as a “fairy tale”. Kamal Sahib is the same who holds the view about waving of Pakistani flags, now, as a routine in certain parts of the down town Srinagar after Friday prayers as,  “we must respect this flag as it is not only a piece of cloth” and therefore sees nothing wrong in brandishing Pakistani and also some ISIS flags by some masked youth on the streets and on roof tops. Radicalization and religiosity are two different aspects, one having no connection with the other as radicalization leads to intolerance and the associated misdemeanors and misadventures which has been proven by how terrorism took birth in Pakistan and Afghanistan and later in other parts of the world. Terrorists were prepared by the Pakistani agencies only and only through injecting extreme radicalization and continue to do so even now , these three youth being no exception. Recall the confessions made by the 26/11 culprit Qasab , that was all as a result of rabid radicalization or the one captured alive in Udhampur terror attack on a BSF bus.
It is beyond doubt, her denial notwithstanding that the arrested youth cannot without some basis, name her as their possible guide and support unless there is some link to the whole issue which needs to be probed thoroughly. Waging war against the country and engage in brazen sedition cannot be allowed anymore. The time has come when such anti India elements, always spewing venom and issuing disruptive diktats in one form or the other, cannot be allowed to do all this under the soft liberal,  free,   most tolerant and vibrant democratic set up. Let her see the other side of the picture, that of the PoK as to how peaceful protests are ruthlessly quelled there, the words like freedom of speech, not to speak of dissent are to be found in the pages of the books there and not in reality anywhere, not to even dream of how even those preaching sedition are treated here. Congress spokesperson and leader Manish Tiwari is right when he says,” Such persons should be given one sided visa and asked to leave the country never to return.”