Is Modi riding a galloping horse

Col J P Singh, Retd
It needs no genius to tell us whether Narendra Modi is riding a galloping or a bucking horse. The crowd which attended his rally in MAM Stadium Jammu on Sunday tells us the truth. Capacity of the Stadium is said to be 80 thousands plus. It was jam-packed. Some analysts have estimated the gathering at about one lakh. Political analysts will tell us that despite vertical split in the BJP and Jammu being a border town, thinly populated areas unlike BIHAR and a Congress bastion, the presence was more than expected. More over security arrangements, barriers, checking and anti Modi propaganda must have also played the intended spoiler. Yet it is considered to be an unprecedented show of strength. Modi, Modi, Modi continued to be heard in the nooks and corners of the stadium from 10.30 AM onwards. However BJP leaders on the dais were panicky till about 12 because of the numbers. By about 12.30 the Stadium was full after which their tone and tenor changed. The cadre sounded happy and enthused when Modi was given tumultuous welcome on arrival.
Modi no doubt is a controversial figure for his pronounced communal bias and hence a subject of great criticism in political circles. But he is also known for understanding the problems of the people, sensing their mood and discovering tantrums to inspire them out of desperation. Even the critics of BJP and of divisive image of NaMo will concede that Narendra Modi’s inspirational agenda and developmental campaign is becoming more responsive as a crowd puller. Modi’s struggle for the top job suggests that among the masses, there is an aspirational leader who is struggling to move the nation up & forward. His message that he wants to see J&K not as ‘separatist state’ but a ‘superior state’ offers us hopes to rise. Modi’s promise of ushering superiority addresses the category of deprived masses and aspirational gathering. One thing which Modi has done successfully in Jammu is to have outwitted detractors of his communal bias by addressing concerns of all the regions and religions of the state. Presence of number of leaders from Ladakh and the valley on the stage at Jammu for the first time ever and representation in the stadium negates his divisive image. Referring to their presence he said that he is for uniting communities and not for dividing them. He invited great applause by stating that it was Atal Bihari Vajpayee who dealt with Kashmir under three principles of relationship (i) Insaniat , (ii) Jhamuriat and (iii) Kashmiriat with which he addressed the ‘K’ issue so successfully. He gave the impression that these principles still hold good and he is for their application if BJP comes to power. “Has 60 years Congress’s rule in Delhi made life better for the people of J&K”, No was the answer. Only 50 families are the beneficiary of crores and crores coming from Delhi where as poor is still abysmally poor despite liberal financial packages was loudly responded suggesting that corruption is an issue in J&K. His direct question seeking answer meant seeking votes. All the questions received loud affirmation which suggests that the worker is getting galvanised for the coming horse race.
He counted the daunting challenges which India faced and faces in future. He blamed the Central Govt for various ills by asserting that while the nation faced dangers and threats, the Govt in Delhi slept and would keep sleeping in 2014. It was relevant on the eve of dangers from China and Pakistan. Touching upon unethical killing of Sarabjit Singh, one week after the killing of Chamel Singh, in the same Pakistani jail, he exposed inaction of the Govt. Had the Govt flexed its muscles and lodged a strong diplomatic protest perhaps the life of Sarabjit Singh would have been saved. These are the issues which NaMo is championing and hence becoming personification of the winner of the race.
Policy paralysis, corruption and vote bank politics is weakening the nation and frustrating the Indians. As a result India is being taken non seriously in the world. Increasing frustration with the muddled nature of our democracy seems to be eluding more and more Indians to consciously envy the effective leadership in China. While we despair at the policy paralysis and failure of Govt in Delhi, we talk of China galloping economically and militarily. Why do our leaders lack the will to get the things done the way it happens in China. A large scale opinion poll amongst first time voters in one of the issues of India Today depicted a whopping 88.6 % wanting an authoritative and decisive Prime Minister. This is the sentiment across the board which is working as whip to the Modi’s galloping horse. A wide spectrum of electorate seem to be increasingly willing to overlook his dubious record of human rights and bet on him as the leader who could give India a decisive new direction. Core of his appeal is his track record on development. Across the country there are more and more takers for a decisive leadership. Overall it appears that authoritarian leadership cult started by Indira Gandhi cuts ice with the public because it delivers.
Indians for the first time in 2014 might vote for a Prime Minister instead of voting for a party. Emergence of Rahul Gandhi as dynastic icon and Narendra Modi as a strong contender and a straight contest between the two personalities may be a turning point in Indian politics. It is tempting to think that Modi is a solution to all the ills that our political system faces whereas Rahul Gandhi is the cause. Nothing could be far from truth. Yet people feel that it is ‘now or never’ and the common man thinks that change is necessary because the mood of the nation is immensely anti establishment.
Public wants empowerment through Panchayati Raj. Hence 73rd and 74th Amendments are the concerns of people for which he blamed the govt for depriving this right to the people. By demanding power to the local bodies he has paved the way for its early implementation. He also blamed ruling party of making J&K a beggar state instead of better state. He promised that BJP will not only make J&K better but a super state. He reffered to tourism having shifted from J&K to Himachal. Why no IIT and IIM he asked the rulers. He also referred to much talked about inter and intra regional and ethnical discrimination. These arguments went off well with the audience and echoed the Stadium with Modi, Modi, modi slogans.
The historical relationship between individuals and events is subject to two interpretations. Some believe that individuals make history while some contend that historical forces create individuals.
I feel both contenders fall in the second category. They have the opportunity and the chance to prove their pedigree. This column is not intended to back or decry any of the two. The idea is to discover who will be able to convince voters that he can get them happiness not through speeches or freebies but by solid plans and programme manifesting development and good governance. Whosoever can, should be given an overwhelming mandate so that he can bring about confidence in the masses which is a casualty in our country. One thing which is becoming clearer in this bi polar contest is that Congress is determined to prevent Modi becoming Prime Minister where Modi is determined to unhinge the pyramid of Gandhi dynasty in Indian politics. Who succeeds will be known after the general election because the final verdict lies with the voter. Deafening fireworks were heard in MAM Stadium. The message is clear. Let us hope that the fireworks illuminate Diwali all over India in 2014 and the public gives resounding mandate to whom so ever it wants to lead the nation.