ISRO launches remote sensing satellite RESOURCESAT-2A

SRIHARIKOTA : In a precision launch, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched RESOURCESAT-2A, a remote sensing satellite, on its workhorse launch vehicle PSLV-36 from its spaceport Satish Dhawan Space Centre here today.
The 44.4 metre tall PSLV C36 blasted off majestically on dot at 10.24 AM today and placed the 1,235 kg RESOURCESAT-2A into an 827 km polar Sun Synchronous Orbit in about 18 minutes after lift off.
The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C36, in its 38th flight, was sent from the first launch pad in this cresent shaped spaceport in Andhra Pradesh about 125 km from Chennai.
The mission life of the satellite will be five years. RESOURCESAT-2A is a remote sensing satellite developed by ISRO and succeeds RESOURCESAT-1 and RESOURCESAT-2 launched in 2003 and 2011, respectively.
This satellite will continue the remote sensing data services to global users and would carry similar payloads as carried by its predecessors RESOURCESAT-1 and RESOURCESAT-2. RESOURCESAT-2A would carry a high resolution Linear Imaging Self Scanner camera, medium resolution LISS-3 camera and an advanced wide field sensor camera that operates in various bands. It would also carry two solid state recorders with a capacity of 200 GB to store the images taken by the cameras and which can be shared with ground stations.
A trusted workhorse of the space agency, PSLV has launched satellites in various orbits including sun synchronous orbit, low earth orbits, geosynchronous transfer orbt and sub-GTO, registering 36 successful launches so far. Between 1994 and 2016, PSLV has successfully launched 121 satellites of which 79 are from overseas, the rest being Indian satellites, ISRO officials said. (AGENCIES)