Issue of Musrat Alam’s release re-surfaces in Lok Sabha

NEW DELHI :  The issue of controversial release of Hurriyat hardliner Musarat Alam Bhat from a Jammu and Kashmir  jail again figured in the Lok Sabha today with some Members giving Adjournment Notice for suspension of Question Hour so that immediate discussion could be taken up on the latest updates over the issue.
Some Members, including Jyotiraditya Scindia(Congress) and P Venugopal(AIADMK), rose to press on their demand of suspension of Question Hour.
Speaker Sumitra Mahajan said,”I have received adjournment notices from Members for discussion on new facts that have come to
light over the release of Musarat Alam, irregularities in PDS disbursement and other issues.
“Since discussion had already been held in the House over the issues earlier too, it is not imperative to suspend Question Hour and take immediate discussion over them.”     However, Ms Mahajan said, Members would be allowed to make their point later in the Zero Hour.
Moving adjournment notices by Opposition evoked protest from the Treasury benches, with Parliamentary Affair Minister M Venkaiah Naidu taking exception to this ‘habit’ of Opposition Members.
“Any Member can give notice and if the Chair allows, they can make their point in the House, however, the Opposition Members have these days made it a practice to serve notice every day and disrupt the Question Hour, this is not the spirit,” the Minister said.
Opposition Members including Mr Scindia, Mr Venugopal and Jay Prakash Narayan Yadav(RJD) contested Mr Naidu’s stand saying “This is the right of the members”.
Mr Naidu reacted again saying “This right should not be a routine practice, the Question Hour belongs to all members four or five members can not disrupt it every day.”    But the Members did not relent and said this has been done earlier too, during the previous regimes.    Mr Naidu said in the past 10 years, when they were in the Opposition, they did not do so.
Ms Mahajan also endorsed the Minister’s stand and held that it should not become a practice.    “I have also conveyed this to some members in the Chambers this morning,” she said.