“… it just happened accidently”

Gunjyot Singh, resident of Jammu ,born into a Sikh family is talk of the town these days because of the success of his movie ‘Sajjan Singh Rangroot’ which is based on the role and contribution of Sikhs in World War 1. Gunjyot has played the role of Lachhman Daas in the movie and is receiving            appreciation from all corners for living that           character on screen.
Gunjyot from his school life was interested in singing, stage dramas and bhangra.He also used to play Tabla in Kirtan competitions. After completing his twelfth Gunjyot went to United Kingdom for higher studies but he never let die his interest for singing and other activities. He always wanted to do something filmy so tried for extras in Bollywood whenever there used to be shoot in London. He worked in hotel industry for nine years and finally got his debut movie ‘SAJJAN SINGH RANGROOT’.Gunjyot is playing the character of  a translator between Sikh Soldier’s and Britishers of WW1. The movie is a grand success with Rs 220         million collection till 1st April.
Gunjyot in an Interaction with
Excelsior Correspondent Amit Katoch described himself as an accidental actor and considers his entry into world of cinema nothing less than a  miracle.
Q  Had you ever thought of entering the world of cinema?
A  It’s a difficult question to answer but truly speaking I had not thought that I would be a part of cinema, it just happened accidentally and I consider it not less than a miracle in my life.
Q  How did you become a part of ‘Sajjan Singh Rangroot’ ?
A  Actually, my cousin told me that a movie on Sikhs contribution to world war 1 was going to be made and he pushed me for the auditions. On the day of shoot majority of aspiring actors including me were there on the spot to have the feel of event. The man who was selected and supposed to play the role of ‘Lachhman Daas’ in the movie could not manage with the shoot dates and he skipped the shoot day. Then happened the real miracle, my name was announced in the gathering to come on the set to perform the act which I did and finally got selected for this big venture.
Q  Are you planning to transform yourself from accidental to professional actor now?
A  This is my dream now to love and live in the world of lens. Although this field is new to me but will leave no stone unturned to improve myself. I seriously want to learn the alpha and omega of this profession. I am not that much versatile actor but definitely open to experiment and explore myself for the world of cinema. I am serious to the extent that now planning to fly back to India and ready to strike on the  Achilles heal of my acting.
Q  How was the experience of sharing screen with Diljit Dosanjh?
A  The day I met Diljit was a red letter day of my life and the moment was like a dream come true. He is a great human being filled with positivity and enthusiasm. His behaviour used  to be a shot in the arm which always made things go easy on set and whenever we used to be sad or depressed he used to cool the situation politely and professionally. Real respect comes for such artistes and he is one among them.
Q  Why youth love History more on screens than studying in schools(with exceptions) as your movie is based on historical event and facts?
A  Truly speaking, the fault lies in us as we are less aware and not connected to our roots than others in the world. During shooting of the movie in London the people of the area shared their memories of World War 1 and the Sikh regiment of India which was there to support Britain in war. The sorry part is that majority of us are unaware of our rich historical legacy that we do have from centuries. Our ancestors made great contributions and sacrifices for the freedom of India but Alas! we are hardly aware about our hero’s, events and episodes of history. So through this movie an attempt has been made to revive and rejuvenate our lost glory. Basically movie is an attempt to get our kids and youth connected to roots. Therefore it’s a collective responsibility to inculcate the feeling of love and develop attitude of learning towards our rich past historical legacy.
Q  Why the wave of music and movies is not blowing in Jammu as compared to Punjab or other states?
A  Blowing wave always needs a push to move further so this push is somewhere missing in Jammu which can be generated only after the active involvement of Government. The colleges and Universities can be game changers in this case if they provide youth the possibilities to explore in other events than studies as happening in Punjab and Chandigarh. Youth needs entertainment, events, concerts and other activities than studies but rarely these events do happen in Jammu.
This created vacuum of entertainment compels them to look for Ludhiana or Chandigarh to explore their future & talent. Therefore, if Jammuites want to live in that wave of music and movies they are required to blow it from colleges and universities and various other related government agencies.
Q  What will be your message to aspiring actors?
A  Believe in your actions and hard work because miracle can happen with anyone as I am the best example to all. Never stop doing good deeds in whatever circumstances you may be because this may be the phase when your destiny has to take a turn. Never ever keep  negative things in your heart, actions and thoughts. Definitely, God will give you what you prayed for.