J-K to launch ‘Suuya Bhatt Energy Efficient Consumer Scheme’

JAMMU :The State Government today proposed to launch a scheme to promote the use of LED-lights by different consumer categories.

The scheme, to be named after 9th century engineer Suuya Bhat, will be launched for promoting efficient use of electricity, Finance Minister Dr Haseeb Drabu said in his budget address here today.

“I announce a new scheme called ‘Suuya Bhatt Energy Efficient Consumer Scheme’ and allocate an amount of Rs 5 crore for it,” he said.

Suuya Bhatt is a famous engineer of ancient times. He got silt and boulders removed from Jhelum in 9th Century, because of whom Sopore (Suyapur) got its name. He also changed the course of Jhelum through Wular, the biggest fresh waterlake of Asia. He founded the city of Awantipora near Srinagar, ruins still existing.

Drabu further said, that the Government proposes to lay focus on construction of model ethnographic villages to showcase intrinsic cultural and heritage strengths of the Kashmiri Pandits.

“The first pilot cultural village will be the one that was inhabited by Kashmiri Pandits. It will be re-built to recreate aspects relating to the tradition and culture of Kashmiri Pandits,” he said, adding, it will be set up in Haal village of South Kashmir.

On the State Vigilance Commission’s functioning, he said, it should act a transparency commission and should both award good and honest officers and punish the corrupt.

He, however, rejected that branding officers and removing them as corrupt is not good and Government will work to end corruption by undertaking reformative measures, laws and legislations. (AGENCIES)