J&K a trilateral dispute; needs political solution: JKUPF

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 10: Mainta-ining that Jammu & Kashmir is a trilateral dispute among India, Pakistan and the people of Jammu & Kashmir since 1947, Jammu-Kashmir United Peace Movement (JKUPF) today out rightly rejected any military solution and resolved that this historical dispute needs a political solution.
The members of JKUPF were speaking during a seminar on J&K issue at Jammu. The seminar was addressed by Himmat Singh, chairman, Mohd Sharief Sartaj, member, Central Exec-utive Committee, Babu Singh, member, Central Executive Committee, MR Qureshi, member, Central Executive Comm-ittee, Narinder Singh Khalsa, member, Central Executive Committee and others.
The leaders of Central Executive Committee and other prominent leaders of JKUPF said in one voice that the J&K is a historical-political trilateral dispute. They raised firm and forceful voice against mishandling and crackdown on Jammu-Kashmir leadership through NIA and other agencies in Jammu-Kashmir.
“This is not in the interest of India, Pakistan and the people of J&K Jammu-Kashmir”, they said and demanded to immediately start meaningful dialogue process for the just, rational and permanent solution of J&K on the basis of that formula which reconciles and harmonize the genuine interests of India, Pakistan and J&K.
Besides, JKUPF firmly opposed the political attempt through judicial route or any other route to struck-down the Article 35-A. It was unanimously resolved in the seminar that the Article 35-A should be remained intact in the Indian Constitution at any cost.
The movement also resolved to strongly condemn and deplore the inhuman killings, cruelty and genocide being committed against the Rohingiya muslims of Myanmar and expressed its sympathies and solidarity with them. JKUPF appealed the UNO and global community to come forward to save the Rohingiya people in Myanmar under the Save Humanity Mission.