Jail that housed Nehru becomes a Heritage Centre

DEHRADUN, Nov 14: The historical Nehru Ward in the Old Prison Complex here, has been beautified and transformed into Nehru Heritage Centre, offering the public a peek into the nooks and corners where the first prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru had spent his time as a prisoner while fighting against the British Colonial rulers.

While dedicating the Centre to the public today, on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Jawahar Lal Nehru, Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna pointed out that Pt Nehru had spent jail term in the building four times and had utilised the time by writing parts of his  famous book “Discovery of India.”

Stating that the place was like a ‘Mecca  for the Indian Democracy’, Mr Bahuguna expressed hope that a large number of people, specially children,  would visit the Centre and get inspired by the life of the great leader who had laid the foundation of a strong, secular and non-aligned modern India. Pt Nehru had described the dams and factories as the pilgrim centres of modern India, Mr Bahuguna stressed.

He said the Centre, which already displays fescos of freedom movement on its walls, would soon have a library in which the focus would be on books on the freedom struggle and its leaders.

He also advocated that books like “Discovery of India” and parts of biographies of great leaders should be made part of school curricula.

On the occasion, Cultural minister Amrita Rawat also stressed that heritage sites linked with our leaders remind us of their sacrifices and high values.

“We should get inspiration from them to build a good society and nation,” she said.