Strange seek and hide game has gripped the Jajjar Kotli Barrage, a project that was given the status of tourist interest spot when completed. A stream flows down Jajjar Kotli where a bridge on the highway has been constructed. The planners thought that this spot was the nearest to Jammu and with some engineering ingenuity could be converted into a picnic spot for the people of the city. A sum of Rs. 1.80 crore were allocated for building a barrage and turning it into a small lake and then beautified with pathways, parks and restaurants etc. Perhaps the idea was not bad but what turned to be bad about it is that a row ensued between the Jammu and Kashmir Projects Construction Corporation which was to undertake the execution of the project and National Highway Authority of India which apprehended that the proposed lake could cause damage to the national highway and the bridge if at any time the stream got flooded owing of heavy rains. This conflict between the two institutions ultimately resulted in shelving the project. What is more, the JKPCC is expressing its total ignorance about the funds that were allocated for this project. There is no clue where the funds have gone. Even the MLA of the constituency is reported to have said that if the funds have been transferred to some other project in the valley of Kashmir, it is a serious matter and should be probed into.
Transferring the funds of a budget project to some other project elsewhere is a gross irregularity and the CAG has in some of its reports made a mention that this is unauthorized act. Why is it that the executing authority meaning JKPCC is expressing its ignorance about the whereabouts of funds. We think that this is a case fit to be referred to the Vigilance authorities for a thorough probe. The probe is necessary so that such discriminatory actions, if proved, are not allowed to happen.