Jamiat supports abrogation of 370, says Kashmir integral part of India

Mahmood Madani, Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind leader speaks to media in New Delhi on Thursday.
Mahmood Madani, Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind leader speaks to media in New Delhi on Thursday.

NEW DELHI, Sept 12:  Top Muslim body Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind (JuH) today came out in support of the Centre’s decision abrogating provisions of Article 370, saying Kashmir is an “integral part” of the country and the welfare of people in the Valley lies in their integration with India.
In the resolution passed in its annual general meeting held here, JuH rallied for a united India.
“It is our belief that the welfare of the people of Kashmir lies in getting integrated with India. The inimical forces and the neighbouring country are hell bent upon destroying Kashmir. The oppressed and beleaguered people of Kashmir are stuck between opposing forces,” it said, without mentioning Article 370.
In an indirect reference to Pakistan, the resolution said that it was using Kashmiris as “shield”.
“JuH stands steadfastly for the unity and integrity of the country and has accorded it paramount importance. As such it can never support any separatist movement rather it considers such movements not only harmful for India but also for the people of Kashmir,” it said.
It said that the current situation in Kashmir demands that peaceful initiatives be launched to maintain peace and security in the region, especially in the view of the repercussions of clash of “atomic powers”.
The Muslim body also appealed to the Government of India to protect the people of Kashmir and their property while respecting human rights.
“It must use all every possible Constitutional means for bringing back normalcy in the region and winning the hearts of the people of Kashmir,” it said.
Later, UH general secretary Mahmood Madani told reporters, “We have passed a resolution today that Kashmir is an integral part of India. There will be no compromise with the security and integrity of our country. India is our country and we stand by it.
“Pakistan is trying to project on the international forum that India Muslims are against India, we condemn this act of Pakistan.”
The Muslim body also appealed to the office bearers of madrasas to impart modern education including Science, Geography, Mathematics, English, Hindi and regional languages to protect madrasas from “undue criticism” and to spread the Islamic message in a much better way.
“English and modern education is highly required for spreading the message of Islam to the non-Muslims. If madarsa students become well versed in modern education like science, geography, mathematics, English, Hindi and regional languages, they can spread the message of Islam in a much better way.
“In light of this scenario the managing council of JuH appeals to the office bearers of madarsas to adopt and impart modern education to the students of madarsas. It will protect madarsa from undue criticism and will facilitate the spread of Islamic message in a much better way,” the resolution on Islamic madrasas ratified today by the Muslim body said.
The Managing Council of JuH also expressed concern over the enactment of UAPA act 2019 and said that it feared that the law shall be used to “settle political and religious scores.”
In its resolution of religious extremism, the Muslim body condemned mob lynchings and demanded that such incidents be checked immediately and the instructions of the Apex Court be followed on the issue.
“For the past few years some elements of majority community have been indulging in speeding religious extremism and trying to impose a particular hegemonic culture in the Indian society that is causing restlessness among the members of a section of society and disturbing peace and amity. There are several cases of mob lynching in the different parts of the country that are a blot upon our country,” the resolution stated. (PTI)