Jammu AIIMS on cards

The controversy unwittingly created over the issue of Jammu AIIMS was on the verge of taking an ugly turn when wisdom supervened, and the people as well as the Government have been spared the distrust that was bound to vitiate the otherwise peaceful atmosphere of Jammu. Hindsight shows that the case was ineptly handled from the very beginning. We can also say that backdoor political maneuverings by vested interests at various levels misled the Central Government that caused hiccups in deciding whether Srinagar or Jammu was to be the recipient of Centre’s largesse. The fact of the matter is that initially Jammu was mentioned as the destination of the prestigious project. That choice had been made on cogent points and undisputable ground reality.
The fact of the matter is that the population of the State has increased and in particular two capital cities are witnessing influx of migration from rural areas on a large scale. Increased population means pressure on service especially medical services. However, in the case of Jammu city, increase in population has been proportionately much higher. Jammu city and suburbs have seen large scale migration from border areas where people are forced to leave their homes and hearth owing to constant shelling by Pakistan. Apart from that, nearly three hundred thousand internally displaced persons from the valley had also to be accommodated in Jammu. PoK refugees who migrated in the aftermath of tribal attack have also settled down in Jammu. Several colonies and habitats have sprung up in the peripheries of Jammu. Additionally, thousands of laborers finding work in constructional enterprises in Jammu region and they living in jhuggis cannot be denied medial aid as a matter of human rights.
This all is a strong reason that entitles Jammu to be the destination of the proposed AIIMS. We all know that way back in mid-1970s the prestigious Sheri-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences was incepted. With the passage of time this institute grew into a very large and ultra modern institute catering to the entire valley. As against this, Jammu had not medical institute of the size and layout of SKIMS. If the originators of the idea had earmarked the AIIMS for Jammu, there was logic and justice behind that.
With the induction of Coalition Government, Jammu began to nurse the hope that its long discrimination would now come to an end and the region will be given its rights. It was rather surprising and disappointing to find the Government playing seek and hide and finally succumbing to pressure or blackmail and deciding, albeit half-heartedly, that AIIMS would be sanctioned for Kashmir. To the civil society in Jammu, it was tantamount to capitulation to political blackmail. Very unfortunately the BJP Government in New Delhi failed to gauge the mood of Jammu or that they were misinformed. And when agitation against denial of AIIMS spread like wild fire, the Government recollected 2008 happenings. The Coordination Committee for Jammu AIIMS received support from widest sections of entire Jammu region. The word went round stoutly that Jammu was no more prepared to submit to hoodwinking and blackmail. Highly respectable and popular members of Jammu citizenry lent their support to the CC which launched a planned programme of protest on May 20. It decided to launch the protest movement along democratic methods and force the Government to see reason in what the Jammu civil society demanded. People responded in large numbers to make scarifies for the right cause. Hunger strike was announced and an ultimatum of 72 hours was given to the Government to resolve the tangle.
Happily, good sense prevailed on the Government and it undertook serious and meaningful dialogue with the Coordination Committee members. The Deputy Chief Minister and another Minister of cabinet rank have given a written commitment to the CC that the Central Government would be persuaded to make formal announcement of incepting AIIMS in Jammu by 20th of July. Those on hunger strike have broken the fast and the tension is likely to calm down.
The written commitment notwithstanding, many formalities have to be gone through before the Central Government make an announcement to the effect of agreeing to the inception of AIIMS in Jammu. Hopefully, the entire exercise will be completed within the stipulated time and Jammu will have the privilege to be the home of a prestigious Institute of Medical Sciences. So far so good. However, we would like to emphasize on the Central as well as the State Government to change their old mindset in regard to the needs, aspirations and compulsions of Jammu region. If the BJP Government cannot do anything really substantial for Jammu region, it should, at least remove the culture of blatant discrimination against Jammu in matters of development, investment, fund allocation, avenues of employment, tourism and educational prospects and other services.