Jammu and Kashmir before and after Article 370

Ram Rattan Sharma
After the constitutional changes and reorganisation of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir ,the Union Territories of Jammu Kashmir And Ladakh have been fully integrated into the mainstream of the Nation. As a result all the rights enshrined in the constitution of India and benefits of all the Central laws that were being enjoyed by other citizens of the country are now available to the people of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh.
The change has brought about socio economic development in both the new UTs i.e UT of Jammu Kashmir and UT of Ladakh. Empowerment of people, removal of unjust laws, bringing in equity and fairness of those discriminated since ages, who are now getting their due along with comprehensive development are few of the important changes that are ushering both the new union territories towards the path of peace and progress.
With the conduct of elections of Panchayati Raj Institutions such As Panches And Sarpanches, Block Development Councils and District Development Councils, the three-tier system of gross root level democracy has now been established in Jammu and Kashmir.
Before revoking Article 370 J&K residents had dual citizenship of Jammu and Kashmir and India, state assembly tenure was 6 years. J&K had its own Flag, non residents of J&K could not permanently settle in the state; Non residents could not buy immovable property, acquire land and get state Govt jobs, women married outside the state could not inherit property, state had separate flag, RTI was not applicable ,Article 360 was also not applicable , there was no reservation for minorities . After revocation of article 370,J&K like any other Indian state or UT, J&K residents will have single citizenship of India, Union Territory assembly will have tenure of 5 years, national flag will be the only flag ,centre will be responsible for administrative and local regulations also. People of J&K now do not need permanent resident certificate. Any Indian, can settle in J&K .Any one can buy property and land in J&K. Tricolor will be the only flag, Article,356 & 360 will be applicable, Minorities will be eligible for reservation. People from other states will now be able to purchase land or property in J&K. RTI will be applicable. Assembly duration in Union territory of J&K will be for 5 years, Union territory will not have special status and separate constitution for J&K.
The August 5, 2019 momentous decision also marked a drastic decline in terror activities and nepotism in the Valley. On August 5 2019, restoration of peace and development activities started taking place. It is after more than three decades time that public and social life in the erstwhile state in general and the valley in particular, are back to normal routine without disruption. While large number of civilians were killed at the hands of police and security forces during the protests and stone pelting incidents. Before 05 August, 2019 not a single incident was reported after Abrogation of Article 370 i.e after 5th August 2019. In the last four years, the centre took a number of steps to bring about positive changes in the region .Some of the initiatives the centre has taken, are the schedule tribe community has got political reservation in J&K, Schedule Tribes representatives have been elected in the DDC i.e District Development Council and BDC- Block Development Councils elections. Thousands of Dalits got all their rights and domicile .
More than 60,000 West Pakistan refugees also got their rights and domicile. Gorkhas too got all the rights and domicile.
Many strongly believe that the abrogation of Article 370 was the right decision that should have been taken long ago.
Solidifies India and Kashmir Relationship- with the abrogation of Article 370, residents of Kashmir can truly enjoy the status of Indian citizenship.
One Nation One Flag:- with the abrogation of article 370, all Indian states can be consolidated under one Flag-the tricolor.
Equal access to rights- the earlier notion of education, employment and property acquisition being accessible to only permanent residents of Kashmir is now removed. This echoes equality in education livelihood and property Thus any one can seek educational scholarships and can work for the Government in Jammu and Kashmir.
Right to education- with the revocation of article 370 all kashmiris now enjoy the right to education. They can also apply for educational scholarships to better their social and economic access to education. The law now guarantees Kashmir’s right to receive an education from any of the states institutions. Further the inflow of new educational institutions and facilities into Kashmiri soil will help improve the quality of education. Investors will pour money in Kashmir and there is hundred percent probability that new educational institutions will develop in the valley educating students, particularly girls.
Better Health Facilities :- Medical Facilities will improve substantially. Firstly more private hospitals will be built in the state. This means increased availability of health care centres and better developed facilities for the same as Jammu and Kashmir will develop financially and people will realize the importance of good medical hospitals. Subsequently this will raise their awareness. It will improve their lifestyle and make them more conscious about their health.
Economic Growth- Private investors can invest in purchasing land and establishing companies in Kashmir. Increased Job opportunities will certainly benefit the people of the Kashmir. Further looking at the wider picture, more industries in the region will increase the production of resources and in return boost the economic sector of the region. More money being made means more investment in the land. The prices of land will rise allowing Kashmiris to benefit financially further , economic relations between kashmiris and non- Kashmiris will widen the social and cultural market.
Better Employment and Livelihood- Following the abrogation of Article 370, Kashmiris can earn a good living in any Indian -owned business being setup in Kashmir or situated in other places in India, there will be better Job opportunities and rise in the price of Land. Kashmiris can sell their lands to other people in India on lease basis, resulting in a financial gain for the Kashmiris, increased employment and better livelihood will result in reduction of Crimes.
Equality Before Law- Because of the Constitutional Provision the people of J&K are now citizens of India, regard less of whether, they are Muslims or Hindus. As a result, their rights will be equal to those of the rest of the country. The removal of special privileges will ensure greater national integration and political vulnerability. The constitution will protect the rights of minority groups in Jammu and Kashmir.
The abrogation of Article 370 has helped in bringing together the people of J&K & Other residents of India. It will foster better relationship among the people and further socio-economic development of both J&K & rest of the country.
(The author is Former Dy-Librarian of University of Jammu)