Jammu based Ministers are toothless paper tigers: Harsh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 22: Harshdev Singh, chairman of JKNPP and MLA Ramnagar, has urged upon the Jammu based Ministers to rise to the occasion, assert and asseverate in view of persistent and continued neglect and deprivation of Jammu region and its people by the Kashmir centric leadership at the helm of affairs.
“Jammu based Ministers are thriving on hypocritical self praise and self adulation without delivering anything practically. They are giving airy slogans and indulging in exaggerated dissonance without showing any corresponding tangible output on the ground,” he said in a statement.
Describing the Jammu based Ministers as toothless paper tigers, Harshdev Singh said that they stood exposed for ineffectiveness and imbecility in ensuring justice to the people of Jammu region. He said that deceptive propaganda and media slogans won’t help them as there was a complete mismatch between their words and actions, rhetoric and delivery.
Mr  Singh said the culpable inaction and despicable apathy on the part of Jammu Ministers had led to perpetuation of bias and discrimination against Jammu and scope of such discrimination had been extended to cover even the dead and deceased including the martyrs of Jammu region. Making a special mention of the Jammu based Martyrs who were victims of Pak terror, Mr  Singh said that the Government  had resorted to delay and deny and discriminatory in the matter of provision of ex-gratia to their families including rehabilitation measures. He regretted that two IRP Jawans namely constable Santosh Singh and Constable Azad Chand were killed by Pak sponsored militants in Handwara while performing their duties on March 2, 2013 but the State Government  failed to provide any requisite ex-gratia to their distressed families till date.
Harshdev Singh further condemned the State Government  for its neglect in payment of ex-gratia to the family of Chamel Singh who was killed in Kot Lakhpat Jail of Pakistan. He pointed out that even earlier during the Amar Nath Ji land agitation several Jammuites had lost their lives due to hostile Government and police action but Government had declined to pay ex-gratia in the cases. “However, when it came to stone pelters of Kashmir, the Government  lost no time to act and to provide relief and rehabilitation of affected families,”  he said.