Jammu has a grouse

Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Art Culture and Languages (JKAACL), briefly known as Cultural Academy is an official organization that is supposed to represent cultural life and pursuits of all the three regions of the State equally. This does not involve any special criterion for representing the regions like population, area, specificity etc. The Academy is guided and controlled by a Central Committee whose members are nominated on the basis of their distinction in the field of culture. Obviously, language is the most outstanding aspect of culture as it is the vehicle of thought expressed in prose, poetry, and other genres. It is expected that the Central Committee gives equal representation to all the three regions. But we are informed that recently the Central Committee has been constituted afresh for five years and no Dogri language expert or specialist has been nominated to it against two Kashmiri and one Ladakhi linguist.
The decision of not giving representation to Dogri language at the apex body of the Academy is discrimination against Jammu. People associated with the Academy have expressed resentment against it. Dogri is the second largest spoken language in the State and it has rich literary fund to credit it. The State has to mete out uniform treatment to all the regions and not hurt the sentiments of any of them. We, therefore, like to convey to the concerned authorities that this discrimination should be removed by nominating an outstanding Dogri writer/poet as member to the Central Committee.