Shiban Khaibri
The dire need of the hour is to get the hang of the rationale behind and the causes of fast changing demographic equations in Jammu. Direct and indirect changes in it, though visible to the naked eye, goes beyond the appearance in that being deliberately given support base of pretexts, explanations and “assurances” which are just colloquial political phrases to hoodwink the prospective targets. The time, it may be just not assumed, is ripe to get lessons from what happened in Assam just for debased political expediency. The situation there has still not improved very considerably though both at the state as well as at the centre, it is the rule of BJP led NDA. Have we really analyzed as to how those terrorists got every possible reasonable support from their original base right up to Sunjwan area carrying arms, ammunition, eatables etc and what purpose really was to “enact” this protracted type of terror and blood spilling drama? Who planned it and from where ? Where was the conspiracy hatched and how it all culminated into what the aim of the conspirators was ? Is planning of daring armed attacks in Jammu division a sinister larger Jihadi conspiracy to project Jammu division also as “disputed” and projected it as “indigenous Aazadi fighters” up in arms ? Is the response sufficient by the opposition political parties to fight this grave provocation confined to only attacking the Government at the centre as if during their tenure it was all normal and the terrorists never ever dared to conceive of going ahead with such attacks? And most of us in the media and from the “intellectual” circles keep on deceiving all by saying that terror had no religion? At least this writer, in own limited right, throughout, has been vociferously articulating that terror had a religion or it interpreted religion to justify terror.
Why all these six decades or more, the ruling clique has been found virtually moribund in stopping huge influx of foreigners, from erstwhile East Pakistan and then Bangladesh into almost whole of the North East, especially Assam? Why various pleas of avoiding, deferring, prolonging, circumventing, evading and eluding were, as a matter of routine, resorted to by the “secular” Governments both at the centre as well as at the State in respect of identifying and deporting of such illegal immigrants from Assam? An invader cannot have its entry into another country unless force and other means were used against the natives. The fast rate of growth among such groups whether under a diabolical plan or as per their blind beliefs was wrecking havoc. The rate of growth of the people in Assam in totality was as per latest figures available like Hindus growing at a stationary rate of nearly 11% while Muslims grew at 34%.The Chief of Army staff Gen. Bipin Rawat is very harshly critiqued for speaking a word or two when the occasion or the circumstances absolutely warranted. Those who do not like him speak on matters related to protection and defending of boundaries of the country or where his brave hearts are fighting terrorism and insurgency, are in fact helping those who want to destabilize India. They may give any twist to their going overboard in criticizing the General but the fact is that where the army is having stakes, where the army personnel give supreme sacrifice for the country, the General must speak about and even dissect the reasons, the causes and the circumstances responsible for a situation arising where national security was imperiled.
Is the political leadership from the opposition aware of the fact that China and Pakistan were behind moves to plan and strategize pushing Bangladeshi and now Myanmar illegal immigrants into India as a part of a huge proxy war against this country? Was, therefore, a possible link between the expansion of All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) in Assam to a “planned immigration” taking place because of proxy war of China and Pakistan? On this vital issue, the General threw light enough for the political leadership to address the situation without looking through the prism of votes and petty politics. Commenting on the population dynamics, he also referred to the fastest growth of AIUDF. He wondered what would be the state of Assam, “We have to take a call”.
The Chief of the army staff was speaking at a seminar titled “North East Region of India- Bridging gaps and securing borders”. He cautioned about the illegal immigration from Bangladesh and Myanmar etc being for “lebensraum” a German term which simply meant space for “proxy dimension of warfare” against India by Pakistan and China .
In the same way, the settlement of Myanmar Muslim Rohingyas and Bangladeshi illegal immigrants in and around Jammu in a planned way and ostensibly under a design was going to be a leading contributor towards demographic imbalance and rise to crimes including possibility of their acting as sleeper cells for terrorists. The Government has failed to unravel the gamut of circumstances of bringing them from borders of Bangladesh – Myanmar straight to Jammu and settle them here under accommodations built fast with religious zeal and other support. It was astonishing to find lips sealed of those who keep pitching high for “saving” Articles 370 and 35A on settling these foreigners in Jammu but strongly oppose any plan of rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits back in their 5000 years old roots in Kashmir.
To mince no words, a comparative analysis of the situation and the structure of Jammu city itself with the base year 1970, the colonies, the residential areas, markets etc reveal more than hide any, in finding how demographic changes at a faster pace were taking place. The day is not far, it is feared, with the same speed, that the Assam like situation would visit Jammu division with a looming apprehension of the population of Hindus getting the way it has happened in many districts of Assam. Let us not undermine the dimensions of the proxy war , its ugliest faces and forms waged by Pakistan as various terror groups with full state patronage there jousting with one another in keeping not only Kashmir valley simmering but even Jammu where disturbing and “moulding” demographic equations serve their interests. The sooner the Government and the people feel the lurking danger staring us in the face , the better it is.
Is it not a travesty that in most of the writings of the “liberal intellectual” groups , we find now-a-days a topic being hotly debated as “War mongering” and “Beware of warmongers” referring to some brief but appropriate statements from the army top brass and the ruling dispensation about the appropriate response, now, needed to be given to Pakistan to let the protracted terror onslaught and hostilities on regular basis on borders against our country be put to an end . It is this group which along with many political leaders, peaceniks and self appointed pacifists keep on chorusing about “talks” and “peace initiatives ” and “CBMs” with a country which only believes in harming India as their article of faith . These “well wishers” of Pakistan and even China fixated with “talks syndrome” are the ones who are demagogues “eligible” to be called as Enemies from within. What to clamour about talks when bruised and harmed, a jaw for a tooth, instead, to survive and to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the country, should form our word and the deed.