Jammu railway station

A few days back , I had to board a train for Delhi and waiting for the train was a nightmarish  experience. The unseen crowd , squatting, filth, day darkness, noise, jostling , pushing ,   throwing garbage into the track, cat sized rats in hundreds was the picture of this station.
A few personnel of the Police on duty there appeared to be undone as to how and  wherefrom and whom to control and restore order. Who allows people to crowd the station  to wait for their trains scheduled even after 12 to 24 hours.? How most of the passengers  who rest there to wait for their trains eat, drink and throw garbage, left overs on the tracks?
The stink of the filth strewn on the tracks makes life miserable there. Right from the auto ,  matador stand up to the station , this place is heaps of dirt, dust, left over eatables, flies,  and bad smell. Uncontrolled like situation makes it vulnerable from the point of security of  the people there. If not any thing else, let the authorities regulate the entry of only those  whose trains are scheduled to steam off within one to two hours . Let stairs, pavements,  walkways etc be not allowed to be blocked by those who make it a resting, sleeping and  eating place. We cannot wholly blame the staff engaged for cleansing the station as the  rate of spreading dirt and garbage is far more than the cleaning and washing process of the  station. The conditions there are chaotic and need immediate and lasting solution.
Yours etc….
Sumit Mahajan