Jammu region in danger, separate State only solution: Ankur

Ikkjutt Jammu president Ankur Sharma addressing press conference in Jammu on Sunday.
Ikkjutt Jammu president Ankur Sharma addressing press conference in Jammu on Sunday.

‘Destruction of Revenue record big conspiracy’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 7: “Destruction of Revenue records of encroached Sunjuwan forests and Chowadi is another indicator of the fact that the Indian State apparatus has been taken over from within by the subversive `Jihadists’ if not by connivance but surely with the acquiescence of the Govts, both UT & Union; given their flawed policy paradigm on Jammu and Kashmir,” said Ikkjutt Jammu president Ankur Sharma.
Addressing a press conference here today Sharma said, ” Sunjuwan Forests in line with planned and organised demographic invasion of Jammu Province include several illegal settlements raised on Forest lands. Forest records in Jammu are not only the most critical assets to preserve ecology of Jammu but also critical evidence about how Jammu has been subjected to demographic assault by state sponsored `one community capture’ of its ecologically most sensitive territories.
He said the destruction of Revenue records of these critical areas under BJP’s watch reveals that the conspiracy to destroy Hindu majority Jammu goes unabated. State instrumentalities are apparently acting as facilitators in Pakistan’s bigger project of Islamisation of Himalayas and `Sanatana’,” Sharma added.
“We are witnessing one of the biggest acts of administrative subversion in recent times. The nation’s backbone in the strategic region, Jammu, is in danger. Operating under the smoke screen of a UT Government the demographic invaders of Jammu have been working with impunity to destroy evidence that would lead to legal interventions to evacuate the occupied lands,” Sharma asserted.
He claimed that Roshni Act was declared unconstitutional by the J&K High Court in October, 2020. This act was one of the tools and in fact a legislative tool of Islamization of Jammu. The J&K High Court had ruled that all State lands allotted under the Roshni Act have been allotted illegally and these shall be taken back in a time bound manner. Sharma charged that the statement given by the BJP Govt in Supreme Court coupled with Review petition filed against the Roshni judgment in J&K High Court has stalled the implementation of Roshni Judgment thereby, jeopardising National interest as well as security of the nation.