Jammu Science Congress

The three-day 10th JK Science Congress, on the theme “Science and Technology for Inclusive Development: A way forward”, which is attended by more than 700 scientists and scholars from the State was inaugurated by the Governor N.N. Vohra in Jammu University. The trend among scientists, technocrats and policy planners in the country today is directed towards research and utilization of expertise for improving the quality of life of our people. The Governor and other speakers in the Congress emphasized on innovation and initiation. Our country has more than 65 per cent population of youth below 35 years of age. This is enormous manpower and its creativity can be equally enormous if adequate resources for scientific discovery and technological innovation are pursued with all seriousness. The times of churning out graduates and post graduates from our educational institutions who remain unemployed for long periods are perhaps coming to an end and the shift is towards skills that can be utilized for earning a living.
The Prime Minister has given the slogan of Make in India, which has entirely different connotations. It is to encourage research, innovation and creation. The Prime Minister has given due importance to innovation that will strengthen our economy. In short economy oriented scientific innovation is the need of our country and our leadership is repeatedly hinting at that. Avenues of picking up skill in various fields are gradually increasing and infrastructure is expanding. The day is not far away when India will be among the leading manufacturers and exporters of new technological output.
A good outcome of Science Congresses is that young and budding scientists and technocrats in State educational institutions are given due recognition and awarded for excellent research work. At this Congress also awards have been given to young scholars and researchers and faculty members. This encouragement will go a long way in laying down the tradition of encouraging scientific study among our youth. Catch them young is the proper guideline for recruiting promising scientists to work in various research institutes of the country and make their mark. Our scientists and technocrats are making their mark in foreign countries especially in the US. This tells us that our budding scientists have the potential to grow into innovators if they are provided congenial atmosphere. That is precisely what the Indian Government’s policy towards development of science and ethnology stands for and the youth have the option of taking full advantage of the same.