Jammu SP dies of swine flu

JAMMU :  A superintendent of police, who was a suspected patient, died of swine flu last night after his  reports were tested positive.
“Superintendent of Police in administration wing of Jammu police headquarters Sunil Gupta died as a suspected swine flu case but after his reports received here today confirmed that  he was tested positive of the H1N1,” a Jammu and Kashmir health department official said.
He said breathing disorder was the major symptom diagnosed  in him. He was admitted to a private hospital and died last  night.
Director General of Police K Rajendra Kumar condoled the demise of the SP and expressed solidarity with the bereaved family and prayed for eternal peace to the departed soul.     Sunil had served the J&K Police department in different capacities. He was promoted as SP (M) in June 2013 and posted  at zonal police headquarter (ZPHQ) Jammu.  (AGENCIES)