Jammu University on the Move

Prof. Shyam Narayan Lal
A silent revolution in the field of higher education is taking place in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Inspired by the underlying philosophy of NEP and generous assistance from the current administrative dispensation, the University of Jammu is all set to introduce several path breaking initiatives. Crafted by the academic fraternities of the university along with best of the experts, drawn from the best of the institutions located across the country, the new courses and curriculum have the potential to change the entire structure of the education- ecosystem of the UT. The courses in offing have been meticulously designed to provide a multidimensional perspective, empowering learners to navigate the intricate complexities of an increasingly interconnected world with unparalleled ease. There is going to be a blended mode of learning where the structured curriculum would be combined with experiential and immersive learning and the students would increasingly be able to learn at their own pace and to do so in their preferred way. The profile of teachers is also likely to change from knowledge providers to knowledge facilitators.
Out of a set of flagship initiatives, the most remarkable is the “Design your Degree program”. Recognizing that many of the best solutions are born out of interdisciplinary thinking, the University plans to offer freedom and space to students whose passions cross more than one academic area. The program provides a window of opportunity for students with a new way of combining courses and experiences to create their own personalized education. For the first time in this region, a student can have multiple degree options that can be completed within 4 years of their bachelor’s program. Apart from exposing the student to the new world of academics sans any disciplinary boundaries, it provides limitless time and opportunities to the students for discovering the self, and identifies a calling that is best suited to their body and soul. This program is an important stage of the beginning of the making of knowledge economy which has the potential to contribute immensely to the progress of the region and the nation alike. Reflecting the true spirit of the NEP 2020 the program would lead to the development of critical thinking, an urge for creativity, and the spirit of collaborative approach among the learner.
In order to expand the ambit of experiential learning, the university is all set to start an ‘Educational Train Journey’ as a regular feature. Termed as ‘ Gyanodaya Express, the concept of train journey as a source of experiential learning has been inspired by the life of Mahatma Gandhi wherein he undertook many epic train journeys, which changed his outlook towards life. Expected to flag off sometime in the middle of October, the first batch would consist of 1000 female students from different colleges. Starting from Jammu, their first stop would be Delhi and from there they would proceed to Ahmedabad to visit Gandhi Ashram/ Gandhi Vidyapeeth. From there the train would move towards Mumbai and Goa where they shall have the opportunity to see the Naval Dockyards and the functioning of the tourist sectors. Also included in this itinerary is a visit to ISRO/IISc at Bangalore and the satellite Launch site at Shriharikota. The special features of the program would be a dedicated coach of the library and wifi-service. The CIC from Delhi and eYantra have also been drawn into the program for the benefit of students.
The University is also planning to launch a GPT4 competition for college students of J&K. It has been planned with the idea of engaging the student to identify and understand the issues which are crucial to the developments of different localities within the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. Some of the broader themes identified for this competition center consist of Disaster Management (Earthquake, landslide, avalanche), Climate Change particularly the frequent cloud bursts, Horticulture(cash crops pertaining to J&K), Ecotourism, Pollution, Transportation, Small localized Hydro plants/energy generators and also various dimensions of terrorism. A group of mentors from some of the best institutions in the country, such as the Indian Institute of Science, Indian Space Research Organization, eYantra, IIT Bombay, Cluster Innovation Centre, would be drawn to facilitate the process.
Along with this, some online courses will also be made available to the students which will further enhance their skills and knowledge about various fields. In this context the introduction of the Space, Science, and Technology course from IIRS (ISRO) and Application of Geo-spatial are noteworthy. Steps would also be taken to promote entrepreneurship and start-up culture among the students.
One of the avant-garde initiatives, increasingly being seen as the expression of qualitative change in the academic atmosphere of the university, is the establishment of a student club cluster under the banner of UTSAH. The multiple clubs offer a vibrant and engaging campus experience through their wide range of activities. By offering extracurricular avenues they allow students to explore their interests, connect with like-minded peers, and broaden their horizons beyond academic pursuits. Whether one’s passion lies in sports, arts, culture, community service, or entrepreneurship, there is invariably clubs to suit every individual. Engaging in these multiple activities of their own free not only enrich the university experience but also helps them develop valuable leadership, teamwork, and communication skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors.
This not all, there are a host of other carefully crafted initiatives which are in the process of being formulated under the leadership of the current Vice-chancellor Prof. Umesh Rai. There is a constant attempt to turn the Jammu University into a space where cutting-edge facilities, open ended, ever evolving, pedagogy and experiential learning meet together. It is the convergence of this nature which would lead to the creation of an immersive learning environment that sparks creativity, fuels innovation, among the teacher and the taught alike.