Jammu women

This has reference to the Sunday Magazine article ‘Jammu women Today’ DE  Sept 1.
Winds of change are slowly sweeping the social milieu of Jammu due to a number of factors which include education and influence of media.
Though there may be a segment of women who still may be traces of unprogressive thinking lingering in their minds but modern Jammu woman is educated, enlightened and knows her role in society.
However, women who live in remote areas where education and media has a limited access. Women are still rooted in what the author of the write up says regressive thinking. These women will not be liberated unless education and media make a considerable impact. These women who contribute much to the economy of their households, yet do not have much say in decision making process. They are not yet exposed to influence of various women groups who work for welfare of women they are not yet aware of their right guaranteed under constitution.
Unless and until these women are educated, they will remain nurturing the regressive thinking and would remain dependent on their men.
Yours etc….
Aarti Mahajan
One way women can reduce their dependency on men is by empowering them. In this context Self Help Groups (SHGs) can play an important role in shaping their lives. SHG is a tool which is one of the most important tools to overcome exploitation and create confidence for self reliance amongst women, who are invisible for their social circles. The fundamental principle that governs the members of  SHGs is ‘one for all and all for one.’ A woman’s capability for leadership is obviously nurtured through her dealings with many and different household members under her command and control. Thus formation of SHGs is one of the most important tools of women empowerment.
Besides, there are many schemes launched by the Government(s)-State and Centre for welfare of women. These schemes will give them confidence to live a dignified life, and once they are financially secure they will reduce their dependence on  their men and cheart their ways as per their desire.
Yours etc….
Neha Sharma
Gandhi Nagar