Jammu’s DDB meeting

While it was expected to have it increased, the annual plan of Jammu has, instead gone down by Rs. 10 crore from Rs.215  crore to Rs. 205 crore. Out of Rs. 215 crore , only Rs. 170 crore  were released. Each MLA has been given Rs.1 crore for constituency development. While as last year, each MLA had been given Rs.3.5 crore additionally as against Rs. 1 crore only this year. The need, however,  is to broad base the developmental schemes and implement them within a specified time frame to up the socio- economic profile of the people of the areas concerned so that the dream of Jammu emerging as one of the developed cities comes true.
However, the Dy. Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh , in addition to the plan released Rs. 5 crore for normal works in the district.  Funds were released , though not adequate, for repairs of transformers, special funds for development of Gharana wetland in RS Pura , sewerage works, stadium and Government hospitals which would boost infrastructure and development. The other face of the coin is that even after releasing of funds , though not adequate, the funds are not utilized and spent . This lacuna has got to be set right.
There are many developmental works which are going on at a snail’s pace in Jammu chiefly because of funds crunch. Also, all the bureaucrats who intentionally avoided attending DDB meet need to tbe issued notice for their failure to do so. If officials don’t attend DDB meetings of capital cities, what will be the fate of other districts?