Refer the article “Jammu’s Dilemma” DE 17/04/2018, by Rajan Gandhi, which successfully stirs the dormant lying emotions without fully disturbing the relative position of the heart and mind of a common Jammuite Reading this article makes anyone to pause and think over the question “Can we laugh at our own misfortune”?
Further one fails to understand that time and again, why the people of Jammu need to pay a price for being honest, full of warmth and patriotic to the core. Why are these personality traits not being appreciated at the highest level and returned with an equal magnitude of care and welfare by the people who have been trusted and mandated by no one else,but us only ? Why after ascending to the highest echelons of Government, these chosen representatives comfortably choose to frown by showing displeasure or disapproval not by their facial expression but simply ignoring the important issues which engulf and overwhelm the common man from time to time?
Rasana episode can prove to be the last straw on the camel’s back, if the wish of a majority of people for a CBI probe is not allowed, one wonders what stops the authorities from initiating the CBI probe as this premier probing institute is trusted by the people of this country and is equipped with latest investigation and forensic techniques, which the state police may not be able to engage in a fully professionally manner due to certain limitations on its part like lack of machinery and advanced expertise etc. Moreover, if the collective wish of the people is brushed under the carpet, we wonder if the state government is really “for the people” or has decided to work in isolation. Let the perpetrators of this ghastly crime be punished severely but at the same time let the whispers of the people of this area be heard and real issues be not distorted.
Yours etc…..
AL Khuwair
Muscat – Oman