Jayesh lambasts administration over water, power crisis

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 2: Socio-political activist Jayesh Gupta today expressed grave concern over growing water and power crisis across entire Jammu region.
Addressing a press conference here today, Jayesh Gupta lambasted the administration for pushing the people to wall during the current spell of the brute heat wave across the Jammu region, especially Jammu City.
“The situation has become all the more critical with mercury breaching 40 degree Celsius”, Gupta said, adding, the power crisis has brought life to standstill with every segment like industry, trade and commerce, households, students, etc braving the brunt.
Jayesh said the heat wave has triggered a severe water and power crisis in several areas of the Jammu division, but authorities have failed to set up control rooms and appoint nodal officers in each district to cater to public complaints.
“Over the past week, several places, particularly Jammu city, have faced major water and power shortages, leading to public protests,” he said, adding that water supply is not regular in almost entire of the Jammu city and its peripheries.
He said residents throughout the region are grappling with severe water shortages, often resorting to purchasing water from private tankers at exorbitant rates. This situation is not merely an inconvenience but a profound disruption of daily life, affecting health, hygiene, and overall well-being.
The AAP leader said the authorities were well aware in advance that the MCC would be enforced, yet no suitable adjustments were made for new tube wells. Practically, the focus remains on the already rapidly depleting groundwater, which is not a viable long-term strategy. Additionally, there has been no progress on the ambitious Mega Chenab Water Scheme.
“Authorities must understand that water is a basic necessity of life, and passing the buck year after year will not resolve the persistent water shortages. It is important to adopt a comprehensive and sustainable approach to address this recurring crisis,” Gupta asserted.