Jitendra announces Rs 50 lakh for Arnas, Gool

Jitendra announces Rs 50 lakh for Arnas, Gool
Jitendra announces Rs 50 lakh for Arnas, Gool

JAMMU: Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh today announced an amount of Rs 50 lakh for development works in Arnas and Gool segments of district Reasi.

”This will be in addition to the funds from other sources which would be made available for different ongoing works in the area, he said while addressing a public meeting in Arnas. Dr Singh said that out of the amount of Rs 50 lakh allocated today, Rs 15 lakh MP-LAD in convergence with Rs 10 lakh will be spent on building bridal paths.

”Another Rs 4.5 lakh would be spent on building fencing wall in the School at Gool”, he said adding that additional Rs 4.5 lakh will be spent on construction of “Ghoda Gali” in Gool. Dr Jitendra Singh regretted that even though Arnas-Gool is a region of high geographical and strategical importance for the State of Jammu and Kashmir, it did not receive the kind of attention it deserved. (AGENCIES)