Minister of State in prime minister’s office Jitendra Singh today launched the Digital India in Udhampur district.
A website Udhampur Newsline was also launched on the occasion and roadmap for launch of e-District was discussed.
On the occasion, Singh appreciated the district administration for prompt dissemination of the Prime Minister’s campaign for digital India.
He expressed happiness that within 48 hours of launch of the Flagship Project by the Prime Minister, he had an opportunity for launch of prestigious e-District Project and website of Newsline in Udhampur.
Singh complimented the Deputy Commissioner for devising Online Project Monitoring Portal and Human Resource Management Portal for Government Employees.
This, he said, will ensure strict vigilance, inspection and monitoring of developmental projects and also provide district administration a ready database of projects, infrastructure and manpower available.
He called for up scaling this unique initiative to the State level.
The Union Minister informed that in FY, 2015-16 under Project e-District so far 41 districts in 16 states have been included in the project and Udhampur will be 42nd district in the prestigious project list of Government of India. (AGENCIES)