J&K assembly elections? : Congress dilemma is AAP’s delight

Anil Anand
A non-existent Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has suddenly become a talking point in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir with an eye on the future assembly elections which though nowhere in sight as of now. The reason is obvious. There is a huge political void created by the decimation of deeply faction-ridden Congress, and the BJP-initiated churn in Kashmir Valley to corner the Valley-centric political parties such as the National Conference (NC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), to create a space for itself.
Sensing an opportunity particularly after its smashing victory in the neighbouring Punjab, the AAP has already propelled itself to seize the opportunity. It is another matter that the party neither has any leader nor the organisation in the UT. Still it is prepared to take a chance and its strategists are out to create both- the leaders and the organisation with a buzz in the public gaining ground on exploring AAP as an alternative to the already tried and trust players acting as a catalyst. The same sense prevails among leaders in other parties, particularly the Congress, who are already exploring possibility of donning the AAP cap with a broom (election symbol) in hand.
These are early times as the elections could be months if not years away since the Delimitation Commission set up by the Centre is still in the process to complete its exercise to redraw the assembly constituencies. With BJP’s machinery fully-geared up, as usual, strengthened by prominent leaders imported from other established parties such as Congress, NC and PDP, the AAP seems working to be the early bird to fill the slot vacated by these parties particularly the Congress in Jammu region, and present itself as an option to ruling BJP which has already reached a saturation stage.
At the time of writing this column the AAP’s reconnaissance team has already reached the Union Territory and undertaken the mission to strengthen the party. Interestingly, their immediate mission seems to be to poach leaders from other political parties with Congress being their main target, which is understandable as the party’s is a divided house with neither its national nor the UT leadership in a hurry to strengthen their walls and protect the territory.
The Congress’s dilemma seems to have become AAP’s delight with BJP’s ranks already swelling with imported leaders, and anti- BJP thought ( secular voters) looking for a new alternative as the Congress refuses to take its space. Yet, another state neighbouring Punjab and J and K, Himachal Pradesh is also facing assembly elections later this year, this dilemma versus delight is further playing in the minds of both the Congress and the AAP though with different dimensions.
The AAP is seeking to convert the traditional Congress versus straight contest in Himachal Pradesh into a three-pronged contest as it had successfully managed to do in Punjab where usually it had been Congress versus Shiromani Akali Dal contest. The outcome in Punjab was due to faction ridden Congress and a related strong urge for “change” among the voters leading to the conversion from bilateral to a multilateral contest.
In both Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, where impact of the AAP’s victory in Punjab is being felt, the Congress though unmindful of the serious challenge to its existence despite drubbing in Punjab, is gradually finding itself being sandwiched between BJP and AAP. What makes the story more interesting is that the Congress’s central leadership seems to be in no hurry, at least in the case of J and K where the limelight remains focused on rebel G23 leader Ghulam Nabi Azad.
Although the Congress’s interim president, Mrs Sonia Gandhi as part of her conciliatory mission held a meeting with Mr Azad weeks back that enthused the rank and file of different factions in the UT. Furthermore nothing has been heard in terms of a follow up to that meeting.
The leaders at the AICC levels are as usual playing their mind-games and so does Mr Azad, the factions in the UT Congress have become restive with assembly elections in sight. The only option, according to them, is the new player AAP with the BJP already swelling with leaders and the majority community in the Muslim dominated UT not enthused towards the saffron party.
The indecisiveness of the Congress high command and Mr Azad still keeping his cards close to his chest, at least not confiding with his supporters, the party rank and file cutting across factional lines is wishing the rapprochement process to have begun by now, is totally confused and restive. They are foreseeing a disaster in the making if immediate measures are not taken to rejuvenate the organisation. This is despite the fact that many of them are sensing an opportunity in the AAP’s advent but many others are hoping the AICC-Azad action takes place as soon as possible.
Recently a mammoth show was organised by the Jammu region’s civil society with the individual efforts of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association president, Mohinder Bhardwaj, to honour Mr Azad on being conferred the Padma Bhushan award. It was attended by prominent persons from different walks of life and organisations representing different sections of the society. Though the show was apolitical in nature, it was but natural that a political buzz dominated the atmosphere with everyone keenly observing Mr Azad and his future move.
This was despite the fact that he had put to rest all speculations by announcing that he will not make a political speech but one based on human values. And he lived up to his promise to the great disappointment of those, including his supporters, expecting that he would bare his political cards.
The Congress leaders both belonging to the Azad camp, and the state party unit, have been watching developments in their party with baited breath. The air of uncertainty has suddenly gripped the party as most of them have been heard quietly enquiring about the AAP prospects and their own chances thereby.
The AAP supremo and Delhi chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal’s outburst at the film “The Kashmir Files” terming it as “fake” has to be seen in the backdrop of these developments. He in all probability is placing AAP on a pedestal where it could garner anti-BJP vote with an eye on the majority Muslim voters in the UT and all others who do not agree with the BJP’s policies and programmes.