J&K Bank under RTI

The decision taken by SAC bringing J&K Bank under the cover of RTI is a welcome step. The decision stands for the welfare of the people. It will bring transparency and efficiency in the bank. The people will benefit and can seek information regarding the investments in the bank henceforth. Prior to this decision, people could not find information from the bank because bank was making excuses in revealing the facts. Now, when the bank stands under the RTI ambit, it is bound to supply proper information to its customers. Further it will build confidence among the people and also will ensure transparency in all transactions that will follow.
There will be security of money deposited by the clients under the RTI. Now appointments in the bank henceforth will be made according the set rules and procedures established by the Government from time to time. Bringing J&K Bank under RTI was long due in this State and the step taken in this direction is an appropriate one. Money deposited by the people cannot be kept hidden which needs complete exhibition. Lastly allegations were labelled against the bank with regard to backdoor appointments raised fingers against the SAC decision in this matter but it is parochial and unwise. The step is progressive one. Hiding information in the present day is not beneficial for anyone.
S N Raina