J&K becoming terror free region, will take on drug menace now: DGP

AEE’s death case handed over to CB

Fayaz Bukhari

Srinagar, Sept 2: Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh today said Jammu and Kashmir is moving towards becoming a “terror free region” and the police will now take on drug challenge tooth and nail.
The DGP told reporters on the side-lines of a function at District Police Lines (DPL), Sopore that militancy in J&K is at an all time low.
“Militancy is on the decline. The number of active terrorists is at an all-time low. Our efforts are aimed at eradicating the remnants of terrorism, wherever and in whatever form it is currently present. For poll preparations, all the necessary security preparations are in place. Whatever requirements are needed will be fulfilled,” he said.
“Jammu and Kashmir is all set to become a terror free region. Terrorism is at an all time low and the number of terrorists is very less. We are working to eradicate remnants of terrorism,” he said. Click here to watch video
Singh said that police will now take on the challenge of drug menace and will ensure to eradicate drug abuse and narco-smuggling from J&K.
“This place, which is known for militancy and terrorism, is now terror-free. We are now proud of the fact that Jammu and Kashmir, in its entirety, is by and large moving towards becoming a terror-free region. The next challenge for all of us would be, with equal vigour and strength, to launch a campaign against the menace of drug smuggling and abuse. Now we have to move from having a terror-free Jammu and Kashmir to a drug-free Jammu and Kashmir. We will have to move in that direction jointly and strongly,” he said.
To a query about two incidents where Sikh community members were found dead in Baramulla and Tral, the DGP said that such incidents are general ones.
“Police have taken cognizance of both incidents and there is no need to worry. FIR has been lodged and probe is on,” he said.
“The case of death of Sikh community Engineer (AEE Gurmeet Singh) from Baramulla has been handed over to the Crime Branch,” he said.
On Panchayat polls preparations, the DGP said that all arrangements are in place and police will ensure smooth polls as and when they are held.
Earlier, while addressing the officers, Singh appreciated the role of Police and other security forces in combating terrorism and providing better security environment to the people of J&K.
He directed the officers to strengthen the security grid and plug in the gaps with strict security measures to track down the remaining terrorists. He said that terrorists and their masters are frustrated by witnessing the peace and stability in Jammu and Kashmir and are attempting to create disturbance and added that forces have to be extra alert to foil their evil designs.
The DGP said that people of J&K have expectations from the forces and we have to fullfil their expectations by working with commitment. He stressed for keeping strict vigil on the activities of anti-national elements attempting to disrupt the peace in J&K.
Singh said that wholehearted cooperation of the people with the forces has helped in maintaining sustained peace and these relations should be strengthened at all levels to defeat ill designs of inimical elements.
The DGP directed the officers to utilize their resources and energies efficiently to gain further confidence of the people, making them stakeholders in the dividends of peace and progress.
Singh stressed for continuing with the efforts to ensure terror and drug free Jammu and Kashmir. He emphasised for doing the duty with utmost honesty in extending the police services to the people. He appreciated the Sopore police for maintaining peace and tranquility in the district.
Singh directed the police officers to prepare for result oriented investigation which he said is of utmost importance.
He said that Jammu and Kashmir Police is known across the country for its commitment and service for the people of Jammu and Kashmir and added that we have to continue with our efforts in extending best possible service to the people.”