J&K bureaucrats enjoying authority sans accountability: Harsh Dev

Excelsior Correspondent

UDHAMPUR, Apr 9: Former Minister and JKNP president Harsh Dev Singh alleged that “Babu Raj” in J&K had become synonymous with corruption, the process of loot, extortion and plunder of Govt resources while the same was likely to continue as there was no sign of Assembly elections here.
“With the present bureaucracy enjoying authority without accountability, a free for all kind of situation prevails in J&K and elections may never be held as long as BJP remains in power at the Centre,” he said while addressing a meeting of party workers at Kaldi, Khoon and Satrairi during his two days tour of District Udhampur.
Urging upon the party rank and file to work for ameliorating the lot of poor and downtrodden, Mr Singh said that Panthers Party stood for safeguarding the rights and interests of common masses as against the power politics of BJP. He said the people were feeling cheated, let down and abandoned under the present regime wherein red-tape, corruption and nepotism had become all pervasive.
Harsh Dev alleged that there was hardly any connect between the administration and common masses with the latter having lost faith in the present governance. And still the BJP Govt does not want elections and is averse to handing over power to elected representatives by taking one freakish excuse after the other only to keep its backdoor proxy rule intact in J&K, he added.
Calling upon the party workers to come to the rescue of people in such hard times, Mr Singh said that the NPP has to take the challenge boldly and steer J&K out of the present mess created by corrupt, opportunist politician–bureaucrat nexus.