J&K govt likely to be formed soon

SRINAGAR/NEW Delhi  :  Formation of a BJP-PDP coalition government in Jammu and Kashmir is likely to be announced soon along with a “carefully” drafted Common Minimum Programme (CMP) which touches all controversial issues like Article 370 and AFSPA.
The announcement is expected over the weekend or by early next week if RSS does not create any further hurdles for the BJP, sources said.
PDP patron Mufti Mohammed Sayeed, who is expected to be the Chief Minister for the entire six-year term, has been maintaining that his party will not be going for any “sell out” on the issues concerning the state.
The statement drew a flak from former state Chief Minister and working President of National Conference Omar Abdullah who accused him of already indulging in a “sell out” by siding with BJP in the recently-held elections for Rajya Sabha and upcoming polls for the Legislative Council.
Omar tweeted “Dear Mufti Sahib, please don’t say you won’t ‘sell out’ because you’ve already done that by helping BJP in the Legislative Council elections.”
“You (Sayeed) already ‘sold out’ by demanding Art 370 status quo when you had sold ‘Self Rule’ to people in J and K, please stop playing the martyr.”
PDP with 28 MLAs and BJP with 25 MLAs in the 87-member Assembly have been in talks for last seven weeks since the December 23 polls threw up a fractured verdict. The state is currently under Governor’s Rule.
According to sources privy to the developments, the two sides have possibly agreed on formation of a Committee which will go into the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and suggest areas from where it could be revoked.
On Article 370, while BJP has given no written assurance as demanded by the PDP, the CMP is expected to say that both parties will respect the aspirations of the people of the state within the Constitution.
The proposed CMP may also touch upon the issue of more
than 25,000 families of West Pakistan Refugees by saying that it was a humanitarian issue which should be addressed in a humanitarian way.
According to the sources, the portfolios have also been finalised with the PDP walking away with Home and Finance while BJP managing with Tourism and Water Resources, Public Health Engineering and Planning.
BJP President Amit Shah, in a bid to address the growing unease within the state unit of BJP over “buckling” under pressure of PDP, has called a meeting of Jammu and Kashmir BJP leaders to address all their concerns.
After the BJP defeat in Delhi, the top brass of BJP is treading cautiously and taking the state unit leaders into confidence before taking any decision. (AGENCIES)