J&K Guest House (Amritsar) in bad condition

I visited Amritsar the other day i.e. Jan 23, 2017 and stayed in J&K guest house. I found the guest house in a very bad condition as there was no cook/canteen facility so to say no TV even in the VIP room. On enquiry the incharge of the guest house told that it has been kept in store room as there were no funds at their disposal for monthly subscription charges to the network. Even temporarily engaged sweeper was without salary for the last five months, who wanted to seek my help in the matter .
It may be mentioned here that three years ago I had informed  Asif Khan the then Add. Commissioner/ Resident Secy,New Delhi about such shabby condition / short comings prevailing here. At that time he assured to do the needful but nothing has been done so far. The guest house is situated at a very prime location i.e.Court road / Lawrence road having about 20 Kanals of land with three guest rooms only apart from staff quarter. As per the incharge of the guest house every year funds allotted for the Centre are either being lapsed or spent by Delhi office for other works. Keeping in view the importance of the holy city as most of ortho / eye patients and other diseases go there for the treatment Govt should give top priority to such centres including Chandigarh which is also lacking maintenance.
Yours etc…
S. Narinder Singh
Former Director Information